COVER REVEAL! ❁ Forbidden Kisses ❁ by Addison Moore!

TITLE: Forbidden Kisses (3:AM Kisses 9)

AUTHOR: Addison Moore

GENRE: New Adult Romantic Comedy

COVER DESIGN: Gaffey Media

RELEASE DATE: Early Summer 2016

Forbidden Kisses

(3:AM Kisses book 9)


Rex Toberman is obnoxious and pretentious. So what if he’s the star quarterback? So what if my father is dating his mother? I can’t wait until he’s out of my life for good.


The day our parents announce their impending wedding becomes the worst day of my existence. Not only has Rex cemented himself in my social circle, but he’s about to cement himself into my family.

I don’t trust his mother. And I don’t want anything to do with her egotistical, womanizing son, but deep down the only way to get rid of them both is to do something unimaginable with Rex himself. I’m playing with fire, dancing in the flames of his wicked grin, and soon enough I’m melting. The last thing I want is to become another victim of Rex Toberman’s egotistical, womanizing ways.


But there’s something about those bedroom eyes, that lewd smile, that body made of steel I cannot resist.


Yes, getting rid of my soon-to-be stepbrother is tougher than I ever imagined—especially now that I never want him to leave.



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***Country Kisses (3:AM Kisses 8) Releases May 5th***






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Addison Moore is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author who writes contemporary and paranormal romance. Her work has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine. Previously she worked as a therapist on a locked psychiatric unit for nearly a decade. She resides on the West Coast with her husband, four wonderful children, and two dogs where she eats too much chocolate and stays up way too late. When she’s not writing, she’s reading.


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BLOG TOUR! ✺✺ Amber Alert Series ✺✺ by Sara Schoen!


AMBER ALERT (Amber Alert Series #1)


**Mature Content Warning** Recommended for ages 17+ due to

violence and sensitive subject matter.

Anna was taken…

Taken from her home to live out a sick game that a guy has been

playing for the last ten years.

With no certainty that anyone is looking for her, and seemingly

hours away from home, she’s forced to play housewife with a man that has had

twelve other ‘wives’.

Each of them now dead…

With 12 rules and the obvious exits blocked, from the previous

girls attempts to flee. Is Anna’s only way out to play along and become a

‘loving wife’? Or will she die during the chase?

Would anyone even know what happened to her?

Or would she be labeled as a runaway?

And where is she in the

first place?

ABDUCTED (Amber Alert Series #2)


**Mature Content Warning** Recommended for ages 17+ due to

violence and sensitive subject matter.

Audrey Thomas had been raised by overprotective parents and is sick

of it…

After the kidnapping and recovery of her mother, Anna Cowles,

eighteen years ago, parents had a harsh awakening as they realized any child

could be taken for any reason.

New laws were set in place to protect children, but those same

children ignored the rules and went out of their way to get into trouble.

Audrey has always done what she wanted, no matter what the

consequences were…

But what happens when her choices lead her to being taken by the

one man people feared everyday for the last eighteen years, right up to his


Will she make it out like her mother did?

Or will she suffer the

fate of the previous twelve girls?


APPREHENDED (Amber Alert Series #3)


**Mature Content Warning** Recommended for ages 17+ due to

violence and sensitive subject matter.

There’s a copycat on the loose…

He’s playing the part of the notorious Steve Bennett, a serial

kidnapper and killer.

Twelve known girls have already been taken from all over the

country, but none have returned. With the orignial house of the mass kidnapper

and murderer destroyed, where is he hiding the girls?

Jessi Sparks is about to find out for herself…

This is the case she’s been waiting for, and she won’t let it

slip through her fingers. She will risk everything to finally put an end to

mass kidnappings.

But will she be risking

her own life?


“No! Andy…please!”

I was roughly shoved into the back of  a black car. The door slammed shut, the front door opened soon after and he got in. There was a click, as the car was locked. He threw the car into forward, and took off at an insane speed leaving everyone I knew and cared for behind.

I watched in terror as trees whizzed by, leaving the familiar surroundings behind as the road went from pavement to dirt and the buildings were replaced with large trees and fallen branches. I didn’t know where we were going, but I wanted to go home. The locks wouldn’t budge; the child safety lock prevented my escape the moment he had locked me in this god-forsaken car. I had lost my phone in the struggle, and I was stuck in here.

 There were scratch marks and dark spots on the seat. It looked as though someone had tried to claw their way out and I couldn’t blame them. Every hair on my neck were standing on end with fear blazing through me. My throat was sore from the screaming, but all the drivers had ignored my pleas for help. They simply kept driving without another sideways glance in my direction.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked again, my voice hoarse from the screams and crying. It was answered the same way, with silence that slowly crept in and made me shudder.

“Shut up!’

“Where are we going?”

“Be a good girl and take orders. Now shut up!”

I wished more than anything to be back at home and under my bed, away from him. The road turned to gravel as we came upon a rundown house, its shudders were falling of the hinges, but what caught me was the windows were boarded up. To prevent escape, I felt a shiver travel up my spine as the car came to a slow stop.

He got out of the car and didn’t unlock the doors until he was at the door. That small click would have brought me relief at any point in the car ride other than now. I pushed against the other side of the car as he reached one long hand in and grabbed me by my ankle and roughly yank me out of the car on to the gravel. A scream ripped through my throat as the gravel cut into my skin and my head hit the side of the car.

“Get up!” he ordered. My head was spinning from everything that had happened, but when I didn’t move, he moved me.

His hand grabbed take a large chunk of my hair before he lifted me out of the car, ignoring my cries of pain. He roughly dragged me to the house, I couldn’t get my feet to walk and fell often.

The door was solid, he had to slam his body against the wooden blockade and force it open. There was a creak as it slowly opened from his blows, and he threw me inside onto the hardwood floor. There was no carpet, anywhere It would be possible to hear every step from anywhere in the home. The house was bare to the bones, the walls held no photos or phones, rooms remained empty of furniture unless it was bolted to the ground. A new wave of fear ripped through me in realization that he had done this before, he had taken precautions for it.

Sara Schoen began

writing in middle school, but did not officially dedicate herself to writing

until high school when encouraged by her writing partner. Before then, Sara had

not thought about trying to publish her works because it seemed unlikely that

anyone would take a chance on someone so young. Despite her previous thoughts,

she published her first book, Amber Alert, at the age of nineteen, and began

rewriting and editing a spy series that she spent years writing when she was

younger. With a lot of hard work and determination, now that same series, which

is close to her heart, is a bestseller.

Sara is a Biology

Major with a minor in Environmental Science and a minor in Spanish at James

Madison University, and spends her time writing, studying, and ghost hunting.

While writing is a great hobby that turned into a passion to share with others,

school is her priority.

Throughout her

publishing journey, Sara has had an amazing support system from her family,

friends, and significant other, who were with her every step of the way. She

hopes to continue to write, and wants to inspire others to reach for their

dreams no matter how far they may seem. She truly believes that dreams can come

true at any age, if you put in effort and chase after what you want.

Social media links:

Twitter: @SaraNSchoen




Sara Schoen


Guarded Secrets Series

Suicide Mission (FREE):

Covert Operations:

Left for Dead:


Waking Up Blank:



Sara Schoen and Taylor Henderson


The Dying Game:


Deadly Hallows:


Bad Publicity:

RELEASE BLITZ! ☮ We Belong ☮ by Ava Danielle

We Belong by Ava Danielle


Life is one big surprise…

Last Christmas Taylor surprised me.

A Christmas spent in Connecticut with my family,

only I wasn’t expecting him.

But the best surprise he gave me,

was an envelope; an envelope with two tickets.

That following summer,

I had one of the best summers of my life.

It was a surprise I wasn’t expecting,

a surprise that made life complete.

Only, there were complications.

My father wasn’t doing so well.

I made him a promise though.

And while in the back of my mind

I was enjoying my time,

I worried about him every second.

Would he make it

while I made it through my best summer yet?

My name is Violet Walker and this is my summer story!



Ava Danielle is an emotional, funny, sarcastic, wife and mom of four over-rambunctious children; twins included. She was lucky enough to marry the man of her dreams, and has followed his career between Germany and the United States, after growing up as an Army Brat.

She loves traveling, but doesn’t get out nearly enough, so imagination helps her travel the world.

She’s inspired by music. If it’s not the children watching TV, it’s Spotify on repeat!

“I Belong To Him” was her debut novel, and only because the support of her best friend inspired her to. She plans on writing many more stories.

Follow her :

happy reading

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