Trailer Teaser Tuesday! **Hush** by E.K. Blair!



HUSH by E.K. Blair

Final book in the Black Lotus series

Genre: Dark Psychosexual Thriller

Releases: Tuesday, April 12



I’ve come to learn there is no escaping your past.

It doesn’t matter what you do, it will follow like a phantom– haunting you–reminding you.


Pre order HUSH, a Psychosexual Thriller, the final book in the Black Lotus series is coming April 12, here!


BANG Book One–>
ECHO Book Two –>




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E.K. Blair New York Times Best-Selling Author

Fading Series


Black Lotus Series

Trailer Teaser!


HUSH from Novel Idea Inc. on Vimeo.



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~*Cover Reveal*~ Opaque Mirrors by Courtney Lane!

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Title: Opaque Mirrors

Author: Courtney Lane


opaque mirros cover


When the line between fiction and reality bleeds, there is no end to the lies or a truth to be found.


It was never supposed to happen. He was supposed to remain a porn star—the source of my fantasies—in my expansive collection of torture porn. But he found me, and he only wants one thing from me. He calls it the ultimate orgasm; death.

He gives me the illusion of choice—my life or his.


I thought my choice would be the end of my troubles, but it followed me to a town known for its close-minded, small population and hypocritical way of thinking.


My madness lurks in the shadows. It watches me and seduces me with pretty smiles and dirty degradation. It assures me that my fantasies aren’t wrong. It tells me that they will star in all of my nightmares…and I want nothing more.


Content contains strong violence, coarse language, graphic sex, scenes of horror, and situations that most readers would find objectionable. Reader discretion is highly advised.

opaque mirrors full cover

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About the author

courtney lane

COURTNEY LANE has been creating her own little world since she was very young.


While many of her works touch several different genres, she has an archetype when it comes to the female protagonists in her stories — they have to have certain brand of strength, be deeply flawed, and harbor layered personalities. In her books you will find themes that reflect the darker side of life with a tremendous amount of depth and complexity. She also has an affinity for characters that aren’t necessarily the girl or boy next door, or the people you’d encounter in everyday life. In other words, she prefers to explore characters who aren’t easy to fall in love with.


Currently, Courtney can be found either working on her next book, playing the latest role-playing game on her X-Box (preferably a game by BioWare), or spending time with her family.





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~Release Blitz~ **INTENT** by A.D. Justice


by bestselling author A.D. Justice

It’s LIVE! 
Get your copy today at a special release price! 
#1Click #mustread #sharethelove #newrelease
Guarded hearts.
Wounded pride.
Devastating betrayal.
Broken souls.  Complete opposites intent not to yield, determined not to feel, but incapable of stopping it. Until the past resurfaces with the intent to ruin everything.

Is learning to love again worth the risk? After all, a life without love isn’t a life worth living.
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The silky smooth feel of his tongue gliding across mine sends shivers down my spine. His intrinsic taste is every bit as intoxicating as that bottle of strawberry wine, except he’s much more addictive. When his calloused fingers glide across my cheek, a need greater than I’ve ever known consumes me and makes me want to beg for him to touch me everywhere.

I am safe and secure under the weight of his body, and his lips and tongue move with expert precision and determination. Even when I try to rush him and greedily take more, he won’t allow it. He keeps complete control, drawing out the pleasure, leaving me wanting—no, needing—more. My next breath is dependent upon his kiss, his touch, his taste. What I was intent would never happen again is happening right before me, but I can’t willfully stop this any more than I can willfully stop my heart from beating.

He shifts his weight and settles his hips between my legs. The sudden friction against my clit causes an intense moan to escape from my throat. His responding growl only amplifies the fire that is about to combust between us. His hips flex and his erection slides across me. My fingers curl into his shirt, my nails scrape across his skin, and my neck arches in response. Ace’s lips move down to my exposed neck as he kisses, licks, and nips at the erogenous area.

“You taste good everywhere,” he murmurs. “Your lips, your tongue, your neck. I can’t help but wonder what you taste like in other places.”

His hands find their way under my shirt, and he slowly pushes it up as he slides down. His fingers are sprawled out across my abdomen, heating my core from his mere touch. When the stubble from his faded beard scrapes across my stomach, my hands instinctively jerk to his head and my fingers glide through his light brown hair. He pulls my skin through his teeth, sucking it into his mouth, and then laving the area with his warm tongue.

“Mmm, the more I taste you, the better it gets,” he hums against my skin.

He lifts his eyes to look at me. Looking for permission? He has it, whatever he wants to do to me. Town gossip be damned. I don’t care what they think of me, how easy they think I am, or how jealous they are that he’s here with me. Not one of them has walked in my shoes, has felt what I’ve felt, or has been hurt in the way that I’ve been hurt—because none of them is me.

“Ace,” I beg with one word. A one-syllable, one-word plea.



Couple sensual foreplay in bed while lying on bed



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*Release Blitz* Logan Kade by Tijan

logan kade release blitz

Logan Kade is FINALLY here!  

#sexmachine #fallencrest #logankade

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You think you know me?
Manwhore. Partier. Fighter.
You know what? You’re right. I’m all those things. F*ck with what’s mine and I’ll f*ck you ten times harder. Suspensions. Arrests. You think I care?

So yeah, I may fit the bad boy image, but there’s so much more you don’t know.

I’m loyal to a damned fault. I’ll never leave your side. The real Logan Kade isn’t a manwhore. When I love, I love hard and completely.

Taylor saw that side of me. Inside of me. She saw my darkness and pain, and the second she did, she owned me.

You may think you know me…
…but she’s the only one who sees me.




LL Excerpt

Someone new had arrived at the party, and turning around, I assumed it was Logan Kade. I could only see the back of him. He was talking to a group of guys right outside the back door, and someone motioned in our direction.

Jason groaned.

Logan lifted his head, looking right at us.

From the back, he was the finest specimen I’d seen in a long time. Tall. Lean. Broad shoulders. Trim waist. His shirt clung to his form, outlining his lithe build. He was obviously an athlete. Guys couldn’t get that look unless they played sports on an almost-daily basis and for hours at a time. Others might try to mold and sculpt their bodies to look as good as this one, but their efforts never played out.

Even the back of his neck was delicious. His shirt hugged the muscles of his shoulder and the ridges where his neck and shoulders became one. His hair had a crew cut. When he finally glanced over his shoulder again, looking in the direction the other guy had pointed, his eyes found mine. They held firm.

I swallowed, feeling like I’d just gotten the wind knocked out of me. He was breathtaking.

Dark chocolate eyes. Long eyelashes I would’ve killed for when I was younger—hell, I still would. He had an angular face with high cheekbones, and the front of him matched his back. His biceps bulged, and his shirtsleeves tightened around them for a second before they relaxed. The outline of washboard abs was visible through his shirt. His jeans sealed the image, making my mouth water, and I finally pulled my eyes away.

I had to. I hadn’t reacted to a guy like this in a long time.

A fit young man wearing a hoodie over his head posing for the camera


“Get Logan,” someone yelled.

Another girl asked, “Where is Logan?”

I heard other people saying the same thing, but I focused on the girl.

She raised her chin, and a warning flashed in her eyes. “Touch me. I dare you.”

There were three of them, all tall and, not to be stereotypical, but they looked like preppy douchebags. Each was good looking, with bodies built like they rowed every morning for hours. They looked like money. It practically dripped from their clothes. Their jawlines were rigid enough to form glaciers.

Their eyes were icy, too, as they stared back at the girl. They weren’t backing down.

I broke from the crowd, planning to go stand next to her. But before I could move, the crowd broke in half. An actual opening formed, and Logan Kade strode forward.

My foot jerked back into its spot, stepping back as he brushed past me.

Kade stopped beside her, and the three guys turned their attention to him. They didn’t move or say anything, but the air shifted. It’d been dark and ominous before, and I still felt a battle brewing.

“Kade starts fights, and he finishes them.”

A low tingle went through me, warming me. I remembered what Jason said and the nerves/anger/excitement took on a whole other feeling. My mouth was almost watering. I wanted to see what would happen. I wanted to see this Logan Kade in action, and for some reason, I was thirsting to see this fight.

“Kade,” one of them grated out his name.

Kade glanced at the girl, and then settled back on the spokesman. “What are you doing here?”

“It’s a party. We were invited.”

“And that’s why you’re facing off with Sam?” He moved forward a step.

“We weren’t facing off…”

Samantha folded her arms over her chest. “Yeah, right. You were just walking past me? That’s why you wouldn’t let me get past you to the car. We just ‘happened’ to block each other and you didn’t hear me when I told you to move.”

A little laugh slipped from me.

Kade threw me a sideways look.

I should’ve clamped a hand over my mouth. I should’ve let them know I wasn’t involved, because really, I wasn’t. I didn’t know this girl. It wasn’t my place to say anything or join in, but I didn’t. A dark part of me had opened up, seeing that this girl might need help. I wanted something to happen. I was almost egging it on in my head and as Kade watched me, his eyes lingering, the dark part grew into something else. My body grew warm and my pulse started to pick up. It was like he knew what was going on in me, and I swallowed over a lump, because that wasn’t right. He couldn’t know. He didn’t even know me…

But I felt like he did. I felt like he knew exactly what was going on in me, and a flash of anger flared up in me. I turned away. He could see inside of me, and that was too much. I didn’t want that so I slipped back into the crowd. As I pulled further away, enough so I wasn’t on the front line, my insides were still charged up.

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The fight was on.

“No, no, no!” Jason shoved his way through the crowd. “Cops have been called,” he yelled. “Everyone scatter—”

Before he finished talking, sirens began to wail. They were faint, still in the distance, but he was right. They were coming.

Douchebag One reared back. He was going to hit Kade.

“Stop!” I yelled.

Kade heard me and turned to look. I pointed behind him. Before he turned around, he ducked, and Douchebag One’s arm went over his head. Kade caught it, twisted around, and rammed his elbow into the guy’s gut. He hit him with an uppercut, then bent over and tossed him over his back. The two other guys ran to their friend and pulled him away as they took off with the scattering crowd.

I watched, frowning. We weren’t in high school. We didn’t really need to worry, did we? But Jason grabbed my hand and yanked me after him.

“Come on,” he said. “There’s illegal shit here. We don’t want to get caught. Trust me.”

I was still revved up. I didn’t know what from: from Kade or from the fight, but Jason took off and I followed right behind. As we zipped past a car, Kade was right there. He was heading to a different vehicle and for a moment, our paths crossed.

Kade looked at me. His eyebrows furrowed together, like he wanted to say something, but Jason yanked on my hand and we were past him.

“Logan!” Samantha called from farther down the road.

She waved from an Escalade. Jason veered toward them, pulling me along. I wasn’t sure what he was doing, but he continued right past the vehicle. I glanced back and watched as Kade sprinted for it. He leaped, took hold of the top of the Escalade, and somehow threw himself into the front seat as Samantha clambered into the back.

Once inside, Kade reached out and pounded on the top of the vehicle. “Let’s go,” he barked.

The driver took off, and they were past us in two seconds, just as Claire pulled up.

Jason hurried into the passenger seat, and I threw myself into the back. Claire gunned the engine, and we turned off the block and onto another street as the cop cars began pulling up in front of the house.

“That was close.”

I wasn’t sure who said that, but it didn’t matter. We were all thinking it.

Then I grinned. I wanted to do it again.

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LL Excerpt

I didn’t quite know how to react to someone like Logan Kade.

The second he sat down next to me, others started glancing back at us, but now that he was laughing, more and more they were openly staring. A few girls down the row were almost glaring. Kade saw them too and raised a hand. “Hey.”

Their stares morphed into smiles, and they waved back. One girl asked how the party was last night, and it clicked. These girls already knew Kade. I gave them a second look. They might really know him. A couple were giving him come-hither looks.

I muttered under my breath. “So this is what it feels like.” Huh.

“What is?” He leaned back in his chair to rest against the wall behind us. His eyes pinned me down, but not in a bad way. He was curious—and amused. His mouth lifted in a grin. He was cocky. I hadn’t lied about that, but maybe I’d gotten the other part wrong. The arrogance of a narcissist was lacking with him. He just seemed to be enjoying himself.

My eyebrows bunched together as I remembered the night before. He’d had the same look. That is, until those guys had gone after his girlfriend. Dark, brooding, and dangerous had taken over then. A shiver went down my spine as I remembered him hitting that guy.

Our professor entered the room, but Logan raised an eyebrow at me. “What what feels like?”

She cleared her throat and held up a stack of papers. “Here’s your syllabus. We’re going to hand these out and go through them before we start anything else.”

I shifted back in my seat and shook my head. I was partly grateful for the interruption. Even though I’d just gotten to this college, I knew Kade was at the top of the social ladder. Hell, he probably defined the top tier.

He walked into a room and got attention.

Kade commanded this whole room. It was overwhelming, all of that power radiating from him, and having it directed at me? It was a whole new experience. I shifted in my seat, trying to get comfortable, but I felt torched.

“Welcome to Sociology 101, the scientific study of human society,” our professor announced.

Logan leaned over and whispered, “Or as I like to call it, the tutorial guide on how to mindfuck entire groups.”



He stared back at me for a moment, a mask over his face, before he started laughing. “You are feisty.”

“Is that a problem?”

“Do you not know me? Feisty women are my specialty.”

“You’re arrogant.”

He was full-on laughing now. “Have you not met me?”


I studied the amusement in those chocolate eyes of his. “Are you always like this?”

His smirk deepened. “Gorgeous?”



I didn’t want to move. No, actually I did, but my body didn’t. I almost cursed myself, but I felt Logan’s gaze on me. It was like he could see inside of me, right past the walls I erected.


I was fighting against a rubber band, stretched tight from me to him. The more I tried to break free, the stronger it became.


I held up my hands. “I’m not going to hurt her. I promise.”


I smirked. “But I might bang her.”


“Use my last name.” I moved him back a little so I had some breathing room. I tried not to notice how good he felt, or how strong his arm was under my touch. “It’s more appropriate.”


There it was again. Genuine confusion. He wasn’t angry. He wasn’t getting defensive. He was just confused.

“What’s going on here?” He edged back one more step. “You okay?”

“No.” I waved my hand at him. “It’s you.”


“Because you’re bad.”

He smirked. “I know I am.”


I’d never had sex in a bar, but Logan made me wonder why not.


If I love you, then I’ll do almost anything to protect you.


A guy like Logan Kade is very dangerous to a girl like you


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I didn’t begin writing until after undergraduate college. There’d been storylines and characters in my head all my life, but it came to a boiling point one day and I HAD to get them out of me. So the computer was booted up and I FINALLY felt it click. Writing is what I needed to do. After that, I had to teach myself how to write. I can’t blame my teachers for not teaching me all those years in school. It was my fault. I was one of the students that was wishing I was anywhere but at school! So after that day, it took me lots of work until I was able to put together something that resembled a novel. I’m hoping I got it right since someone must be reading this profile! And I hope you keep enjoying my future stories.


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Release Blast! **BABY, DON’T GO** by Fiona Davenport

Baby, Don’t Go

Yeah, Baby Series #3

Fiona Davenport

Genre: Contemporary

Erotic Romance



Available on Kindle




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Guy Rule #3: No sex in the friend zone.


Jack Halston’s life changed when his best friend married his

sister. He started flying solo more often, especially once his niece and nephew

were born. It made him reexamine his life and consider the possibility of

settling down. But finding the right woman isn’t easy—unless she’s the one who

filled the gap your best friend left behind.


Ellison Reed enjoyed her long-standing work flirtation with Jack.

When their friendship deepened over time, she did her best to ignore the

chemistry which sizzled whenever he was near… until the night Jack’s possessive

tendencies exploded and he claimed the woman who was his. Before someone else



An accidental pregnancy between two surgeons who should have known

better. A job offer in another state Ellison would be crazy to turn down. Too

bad the path from friends to lovers is so complicated.






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I wasn’t about to

waste an opportunity like this. Shoving away all thoughts of what might happen

to our friendship if this went sideways, I dropped my keys and phone back down

and reveled in the feel of his lips over mine.

“Fuck it,” he groaned

into my mouth. “I’m done playing the nice guy, trying to ignore how hard you

make me because you’re my friend and co-worker. How you’ve made it fucking

impossible for me to even look at another woman without comparing her to you.”

Wait? Had his recent

dry spell been because of me? Because

I could definitely lay the blame for mine at his feet. It was hard to find a

guy who measured up to my dreams of Jack. I’d finally talked myself into

accepting this date with a guy who’d asked me about a dozen times whenever I

bumped into him at the gym. The only reason I’d said yes was because I figured

at some point I’d have to hear about Jack’s dates with another woman.

“I’m not letting you

walk out this door knowing you’ll be with some douchebag this weekend. He

doesn’t get to touch what’s mine,” he growled, making my pussy quiver at the

possessiveness in his tone.

“And what exactly do

you consider to be yours?” Yeah, that was my raspy voice taunting him with my

question when we both knew what he meant. I couldn’t help myself. He’d started

this, and I wanted to make sure he damn well finished it.

He crowded me closer

to the door, his hard chest pressed against mine while his big hands held my

hips. My heart raced as his lips traced a path along my cheek and up to my ear.

His breath was hot as he answered my question, his fingers tightening on me.

“You’re mine.”

“Oh, yeah?” I

breathed. “Prove it, honey.”


“I fucking love it

when you call me honey.” His voice was dark and dangerous, with none of the teasing

quality that was always there between us. “And I can’t fucking wait to taste




**All books available

on Kindle Unlimited**


Risqué Contracts


Penalty Clause

Contingency Plan

Fraternization Rule


Yea, Baby Series

Baby, You’re Mine


Baby Steps






Hello! My name is Fiona

Davenport and I’m a smutoholic. I’ve been reading raunchy romance novels

since… well, forever and a day ago it seems. And now I get to write sexy

stories and share them with others who are like me and enjoy their books on the

steamier side. Fiona Davenport is my super-secret alias, which is kind of

awesome since I’ve always wanted one.




happy reading

Release Blitz! ~COVET NOT~ by Arden Aoide

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Buy the book.

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A gilded cage is still a cage.


From the womb, she was owned. Shula Kelley was signed away before her first breath, just like everyone else in secessionist Texas. She was called beautiful like it meant something important. Like it would get her a kind husband, or one less cruel. She hoped Jared Agnesson was kind.


And the devil you know is still the devil.


As punishment for his son’s rebellion, the patriarch of the Agnesson clan claimed Shula for his own. And she saw only one way out. Shula had a plan, but she didn’t realize it would require a savior.


Suffer not the sins of the father.


First acts of rebellion open doors that are best left closed. Until Jared walked through it. Her savior. But how can she truly love when she only knows obedience?



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“I‒” She removed her hand from her knickers.

“Don’t do that, my love. Pretend I’m not here if you must, but I’m going to watch you, and you will continue.” His need was just at the surface, but he found he wanted to hold on to it, just a bit, no matter how unsettling it was to him. He was quite spoiled by his bride, and she tended to his every desire, whether she realized it or not.

But this was different. This was unexplored territory. He hadn’t realized desire could be on a spectrum and that revelation made him want to feel everything all at once. Do everything all at once. The thought of untapped desire was distressing. Intoxicating.

Oh God. He wanted to watch her? She couldn’t. She just couldn’t. She arranged her night dress and sat up, deeply ashamed, but found herself quickly on her back with her husband over her, palm pressing the center of her chest. “No, Shula. I said you will continue.” He barely recognized his voice. He grabbed her right hand and pressed it to her damp panties. His zipper rubbed against the back of her hand, and she could feel he was hard.

He was going to make her. He’d never made her do anything she hadn’t wanted before, so why was he making her now? To punish her? Surely not. “I don’t think I can, Jared. I don’t want to displease you, but I’m terribly embarrassed, and I don’t want you to think‒” That you’re not enough, she thought miserably to herself.

“Think what, Shula? Tell me.” Her panties were moved to the side and his thumb a centimeter from her clitoris. It was maddeningly still. His mouth spoke into hers after a thorough kiss. “Tell me, and I might help you out.”

Shula was relieved. Not for the help, but because she hadn’t wanted him angry. “I’ve just done this since I was young, and I don’t know. I just enjoy it.”

“Well, then. Let me make it better for you.”

“You do‒Oh!” His face was between her legs, lapping fully at her labia. “Now. I want to watch very closely.” He circled her clitoris with his tongue before moving back out. “Do it.”

And she did. Her fingers moved rapidly, while his tongue and mouth tasted and explored everything else. His tongue would work its way in beside her fingers and she would buck against his face. He didn’t bother dissuading her.

He felt slight tremors against his face and decided he wanted to draw this out a bit more. “Stop.”

It took her a few seconds to comprehend it, but she did. She removed her hand and clutched it to her chest. She didn’t know what she was doing wrong. She was afraid she would cry if she spoke.

Jared saw. He saw how he scared her, and it was intolerable. “Shula, love. Slow down. That’s all.” He kissed the skin of her thigh closest to his mouth. “Slow, slow, slow,” he begged. He kissed her fingers once they found their way back.

He watched her. He saw how her body adapted to a slower pace. He saw how she would quicken, then slow again as she was getting closer.

He could watch this for hours.




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Arden Aoide lives in San Antonio, Texas, with her husband, two daughters, and three cats. Turn ons include men who cry during sex, long walks on the beach, and talking about herself in the third person. Turn offs include mean people and trying to figure out how to write an interesting author bio.

She doesn’t write about the typical men you normally read about in erotic romance novels. She likes her men brainy and just this side of manic.

She’s an introvert, she loves coffee, Internet, British television, and pot stickers. And pie. She loves pie.

Author Links

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Teaser Reveal! *Sliding Down the Sky* by Amanda Dick

Teaser Monday!

Sliding Down the Sky

By Amanda Dick!

(This can be read as a stand-alone, but reading ‘Absolution’ is recommended in order to get the most out of this story).

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Expected publication: April 11th 2016


#SlidingDownTheSky #AmandaDick

#MustRead #Preorder #April11th







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thank you butterflies

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Promo Post + Review! ~Delusive~ by Courtney Lane

TITLE: Delusive
AUTHOR: Courtney Lane
GENRE: Contemporary Romance, Dark Romance 


**Please note, this is a Bisexual Dark Romance**


~Content contains violence, graphic sex, coarse language, and scenes that some readers may find objectionable. Reader discretion is advised.~



My name is Hanley Harper—for now—and I’m the anti-heroine of this story.
Revenge is my fuel; it energizes me when I’m running on empty.

Elias Cari is a tool for retribution and the beginning of the new start. Unbeknownst to him, there is more to me than I will ever show him. He will know exactly who I am when it’s too late—when I’m done with him.

I’m quickly closing in on the the perfect place to avenge the crimes committed against my family. The place where Elias is least likely to expect an enemy to be.
Beneath him.

A problem hits me unexpectedly.
Elias has become a welcome addiction, and I’ve become his obsession. He won’t stop exerting control over me until I’ve become his exclusive possession.

How can so many things go wrong and feel so right?

My plan is damned…or is it?  



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Syrina’s ✩✩✩✩✩ Review!



Mind F*cks/Thrilling Suspenseful Twists!


As I clip clopped through this trip of mind altering twisty dark dimensions I knew I could never be able to do justice for a review in which it should be recognized. So many layers to Elias, and yet so many more in Hanley and her completely warped family’s past.


Sexy, Dark, Psycho, Bisexual Heat Factor


I’m not sure if there is one word that would define this story’s evolution other than making up my own and that’s just Fuck Hot! So many levels of depravity and deviant secrets and lies that come out and completely shatter your faith in family, friends, honesty, and trust, however the epitome of a good strong honest alpha male book boyfriend is ELIAS.


Sinful Avenging Dark BBF’s/BGF’s

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Each and every character in this story plays and important key to unraveling the suspense, and thrilling mystery in the make. The author has a strong grasp on penning each detail about them that’s just an integral part to bringing this haunting tale into fruition. Once you think you have it all down to Hanley’s deranged family history you start to see the cracks in the make up of Elias’s deceitful family history, and oh what malfunction!


I adored every word, page, chapter and secret revealed Courtney Lane, thank you!


happy reading

Bunny Hop…What a View!

    Here comes Peter Cotton Tail
  Hopping down the Bunny Trail…
Easter is on it’s Way!!!


Happy Easter Reader Peeps! 🐣


Have a Sweet Easter Everyone!

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Lorraine Loveit

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