~Release Blitz~ *Suddenly Dirty* by J A LOW!

Title: Suddenly Dirty

Series: The Dirty Texas Series – Book 1

Release Date: 1st April

Genre: Contemporary Romance/ Rockstar Romance

Cover: Booknerdfangirl


He was everything she wasn’t looking for …

Finding a naked rock star in my bed was not how I saw my new life starting. Especially when that rock star is Evan Wyld, guitarist of the hottest band on the planet, Dirty Texas.

He looks dirty as sin with colorful tattoos, muscles and piercings in all the right places. Summer is about to heat up as I join Dirty Texas on their European tour.

She was everything he wasn’t ready for…

Sienna Hayes is off limits, but ever since the blonde bombshell accidentally climbed into my bed, I’ve been fantasizing about the ways I could help her get over her ex.

She has baggage, but I’m known for being a good time. Maybe I can be her rebound, help put her back together again.

One little taste can’t hurt; can it?





JA Low lives on a faraway beach in Australia. When she’s not writing steamy scenes and admiring hot surfers, she’s tending to her husband and two sons, and dreaming up the next epic romance.





Promo Proudly Hosted by Love Lust & Erotic Pleasures

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