Cover Reveal- Bethany Daniel – Interconnected Hearts

Cover Reveal  —  Bethany Daniel  —  Interconnected Hearts

Book 3 Connected Trilogy

Interconnected Hearts expected release date
December 15th.

 Bethany Daniels Interconnected Cover Reveal Novels


You met and fell in love with Krista and Scott as their love grew along side the rekindled love of their best friends, Liam and Katy, and now you get to watch their love bloom.

Krista Quinn-Adams is a tough chick, and the center of her husband’s, movie star Scott Adams, world. In the short time they have been together they have already had to deal with a crazy actress that tried to take out their friend Katy and almost took down Krista while she was at it, and the paparazzi following them around every corner, and now they are adjusting to the real world. Krista has an everyday job as a counselor at a high end high school in Los Angeles doing what she does best, and Scott is busy filming his newest movie with a young up and coming actress, Zoie Reese.

A phone call from the head of Excite Entertainment, Mitchell Fallon, makes their jobs collide. Krista brings her expertise to the table trying to help the young actress who has been labeled trouble both by the media and Excite, out of the dark place she’s in and out on the better end of the Hollywood mad house. But is Zoie Reese a little more than Krista can handle?

Get all caught up with Krista and Scott and follow them through their first red carpet together, the highs and lows of Hollywood, and the continued fight against the L.A stereotype to keep their hearts forever, interconnected.

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Book 1 and Book 2

in the

Connected Trilogy

Book 1




Four years ago, Kate Parker was Katy Warren. Wife to Hollywood’s newest star, Liam Warren, she thought her marriage would stay the same when she and her new husband moved to L.A., but she was wrong.

One night after a particularly crazy party, she threatened to leave if Liam could no longer be the man she married. Unfortunately, he didn’t believe her until she was gone. Katy left Liam and Hollywood behind, disappearing without a trace, but couldn’t bring herself to ever officially end their marriage.

Now, Katy is just Kate. She’s living in college dorms with her best friend Krista, working towards a psychology degree. As far as she’s concerned, Liam is out of sight and out of mind.

That is, until he shows up on campus while he’s in town filming his latest movie.

Sparks fly, both good and bad, and Katy has to decide if she can handle Liam and his world again… and more importantly, if she can trust him with her heart again.

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Book 2




Another fast-paced love story from author Bethany Daniel! This is the retelling of Reconnected from Liam’s POV.

Four years ago, Liam Warren was on top of the world. He was a newlywed, he was discovered by Excite Entertainment, and he finally got to leave the small Nevada town where he grew up with his wife, Katy. But when they moved to L.A., Liam got too caught up in the Hollywood life. Parties, drinking, and girls clouded his mind. His marriage was no longer his priority, and he pushed Katy away.

One night, Katy came home to find their mansion filled with half-clothed women and Hollywood’s partying elite. She told Liam she would leave if things didn’t get better, but he was so wrapped up in his new life that he didn’t believe her… at least, not until she was gone, and all he had left of her was a note that tore him apart.

But, although she disappeared, Katy never officially divorced him. And when a movie brings him to Georgia, a tour of a local college campus unexpectedly brings him face to face with his wife again.

Four years apart has changed a lot of things for the both of them, but when it comes down to it, their connection is still there. Liam sets out to show Katy that their love is worth fighting for, hoping he can regain her trust and prove to her that he has no intention of ever letting her go again.

Disconnected can be read as a stand-alone, but reading both Connected novels offers fans a deeper understanding of the characters in the series.

Book Links

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Author Information 

Bethany Daniels Novels 2

Bethany Daniel lives in Texas with her husband and 2 boys. She enjoys reading, photography and of course, writing. When she’s not doing that she spends a lot of time chasing her 3 and 4 year old!

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* NOTE – Books can be read as stand alone. Yet, to gain a better sense of the story and characters it is suggested that you read the trilogy in order. *

Pleasant Reading ~*~ Anna 💖

Meet Indie Author Brandy Jeffus

Meet Indie Author Brandy Jeffus

Debut Novella, Again

brandy jeffus again

Published  May 15th , 2013


From recess buddies to high school sweethearts, Eli Stone and Bonnie Jinks were constants in each other’s lives. Although young, their relationship had withstood the test of many teenage tribulations. Marriage and a happy ever after were in their future plans. One alcohol fueled mistake rips them apart. Bonnie ends up on the road with her new boyfriend while Eli joins the military. It seems as if their lives would never intersect again. A near fatal accident brings them together and their chemistry is undeniable. But will the pain of the past keep them apart? Can they make their love work again?




Fifth Anniversary ~ January of Senior Year

“Where are we going?” Bonnie asked. She dog-eared the book she was reading and sat it on her lap. “This seems far. You know I’ve got some studying to do.” “We are close. I promise.” Eli replied. He looked at his girlfriend. She was beautiful in every way. Every time he saw her, that single thought flew across his mind. Today, her butterscotch hair was up in a ponytail and she was wearing a light blue sundress. He reached over and held her pale hand, rubbing his thumb over each light-pink polished nail. She rolled her eyes playfully and smiled. Ten minutes later, he pulled his ’88’ squirrel gray Chevy into a dirt driveway and parked beside a small, but sturdy brick house. The lake stretched out beyond the house. “Alright, loop me in. Where are we?” Bonnie’s curiosity was peaked as she climbed out of the truck, the door creaking and groaning. She turned around and let loose an admiring sigh. “This is my grandparents’ old house before they moved into town. Pops said I could come here anytime I wanted; to fish, swim, whatever.” Eli pulled out a key and unlocked the front door. “He has someone come out here twice a month to clean and mow. Eventually, this will be mine.” “Oh wait! This is the house we went to one time that summer in elementary school, right?” Eli nodded and she continued, “Well it’s very pretty. I didn’t remember it until now. I think having a lakefront property is really neat,” Bonnie said, crossing the threshold into the house. It housed all the comforts of any regular home. The living room was fully furnished, with a bookcase in the corner full of antique hardcover books and knick knacks. A medium-sized flat screen TV hung on the wall opposite of the khaki colored leather couch. A shelf joined the entertainment console that housed a DVD player and cable box. The air smelled like vanilla and clean linen. Bonnie walked over to the floor-to-ceiling bookcase. It was custom built and massive. Books always drew her like some sort of invisible magnet. While she was browsing, Eli walked into the adjoining kitchen. He powered on the CD player sitting on the kitchen counter. Michael Bolton’s soulful voice filled the room singing, “When a Man Loves a Woman. “Through the bar cutout, Eli saw Bonnie freeze as the music started. She threw her head back and laughed. Eli smiled, like he always did when she laughed; it was such a comforting adorable, real laugh. It was infectious, loud and girly all in one. “Wow, Eli. No you didn’t! Oh wow, I don’t know if I should laugh or cry!” she exclaimed. “Will you just hush and dance with me?” Eli grinned and held out his hand. A week earlier he had borrowed the CD from Bonnie’s mother, Cindy, after telling her his idea for their anniversary date. He knew that her favorite singer was Bolton and this was her ultimate favorite song. They danced then, a sweet and slow dance while Bolton crooned on. Bonnie closed her eyes and leaned her head against Eli’s chest. She inhaled his faint scent of cologne. He smelled heavenly, just like always. “You are something else, Eli,” she whispered.
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Bonnie doesn’t take Eli’s crap I liked that, “well, I’ll leave if you want. I don’t have a problem doing that if it means I won’t be unjustly attacked just because you’re suffering from PMS.” Didn’t know men could get that as well, good to know. You can tell that Eli really does care about Bonnie before they spent years apart and after, “well, excuse me. I didn’t have time to take a shower; I had to save a damsel in distress after all.” I mean he’s really caring, “I picked up tissues, Theraflu, more ibuprofen, sore throat spray, some Vicks chest rub stuff, and cough drops. Oh and I bought some chicken noodle soup and Sprite. Sprite is the only thing I’ll drink if I’m real sick. Don’t know why, but it’s what my mom uses,” he smiles at me as he lays everything on my dresser.” Mick I expected more from him, but turns out he’s a total a**, “you know why. I’m here to bring you home. I know your mom’s fine now. You can leave this place and quit playing babysitter.” I was happy with the ending I love my Happily Ever Afters.

-Heather, Goodreads (May 2013)

I received a free e-copy for an honest review of Again by Brandy Jeffus.
I would recommend this book for an enjoyable quick read with likable characters and a great story line.  Bonnie and Eli were high school sweethearts and best friends, destined to be together forever.  Unfortunately Eli made a drunken, one-night stand mistake and broke off things with Bonnie feeling unworthy of her and that his life was forever altered due to this mistake.  Not being able to deal with the situation, Bonnie leaves town for college and meets and starts dating a ‘rock’ star.  Knowing this isn’t her forever an unforeseen car accident her mom has brings her home to help with care giving and back to Eli.  Six years later, some things change but the one constant is a forever love that hasn’t stopped for either Bonnie or Eli.  This is a teenage romance with some romance scenes but nothing too steamy.  I would definitely recommend and keep Brandy on my indie author look out list for new books!!

-Kim, Goodreads (July 2013)

 This is a fairly straight forward story of love lost and then reignited. Eli and Bonnie were high school sweethearts and best friends since childhood. Engaged as seniors they planned to marry and live happily ever after. One night, drunk at a graduation party, Eli betrays Bonnie and then breaks up with her. She is ready to forgive him, but Eli doubts the strength of his love and feels unworthy of Bonnie. They separate and live different lives far away from each other. Back home after her mom has a near-fatal accident, Bonnie meets up with Eli, who was on site for the accident and stood by her mother’s side. Both of them are free from romantic entanglements, and find themselves falling for each other all over again. They discover that they never really stopped loving each other really. After a shoot out and Eli is wounded, they realize life is too short and they wasted too much time already. It is a good story without tragic backstories and a happily ever after.

-Dana, Goodreads (September 2013)

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Book Trailer

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Love, Kinsey

First published September 27th, 2013

Love, Kinsey 1


All her life, Kinsey Masters has thought of herself as ordinary, boring almost. She had a normal upbringing, a stable career and a good love life, finally meeting “the One,” Colby.  But life has a funny way of turning the tables on you. Faced with a devastating diagnosis, Kinsey sets out to write her last story – her own.  Her journey reunites her with each man she’s fallen in love with and with their words, along with other friends and family, she pieces together the story of herself. With each meeting, Kinsey begins to realize that each of her past loves has happened for a reason. And she’s left footprints on their lives just like they did for her.

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Book Quotes

I’m okay, Colby. I’m going to die. And that’s okay,” I whisper. That statement scared the living daylights out of me. – Kinsey

This was her journey to make; the journey to find out just how special she really was. How big of a difference she made in the lives she touched.’ – Colby

‘I felt content. I felt whole, complete. I felt like I was ready to die. Now it was merely playing the waiting game.’ – Kinsey

“Kinsey , you’re going to Heaven. You don’t need to be worried about that. You will go to an absolute paradise where He will wipe every tear from your face and you won’t suffer any longer.” – Landon

Book Trailer

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Author Information


Brandy Jeffus has been writing stories since an early age. She would dictate them to her mom who would type them out on a typewriter.

She is a mother to two precious children and lives in North Texas, but she’ll always consider herself an East Texan, hailing from the Rose Capitol of the World, Tyler.

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Happy 🙂 Reading, Anna

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