~ COVER REVEAL ~ *Dark Blood by Ella Starling*

Dark Blood by Ella Starling




Dark Blood by Ella Starling
Mafia/Dark Romance
Release Date- 5th June,2016




DARK BLOOD runs through her veins,
and the beast is on her trail…


For the first time in her life, Bianca Da Costa feels free, even when she is bound by chains. Kidnapped from under her mobster daddy’s nose, she has no way of escaping the Hound – the Abbate crime family’s most vicious hitman.
But maybe she doesn’t want to escape. Maybe her savior is the dark beast himself… And to face him, Bianca will have to look right into the eyes of the monster.


Matteo Salini is trained to kill. Pumped with drugs and used to blood, he doesn’t expect to flinch when he has to take Bianca’s life. She’s beautiful – there is no doubt in that.
But Matteo has women servicing him left and right, and he doesn’t need a spoiled mafia princess to screw with his head. Bianca is much more than that, though, and her tenderness finds its way under Matteo’s rough skin. She might be his only chance of redemption.


She’s his prisoner, he’s her savior.


WARNING! Dark romantic themes included. If you don’t like your bad boys BAD, look the other way!











Ella Starling is a 20-something European dark romance author. When she isn’t thinking about bad boys & their good girls, she’s spending time with her two cats and her boyfriend.

* Release Day Blitz * ~Cash Remington and the Rum Run~ by Celia Aaron!

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I plunder the sea, steal what I can, and never look back. It’s a pirate captain’s life for me. When my crew and I discover a destroyed ship floating on the endless waves, we scavenge it for every scrap of cloth and every morsel of food. Inside, I find a treasure—gold, gems, and a girl. I’ll ravage the girl, spend the gold, and use the gem to buy the ship of my dreams—the Gloomy Lotus. At least that’s the plan—until the Kraken, a whirlpool, and a six-headed beast attack my ship. Despite the danger, I still intend to have my way with the girl. Nothing can stop me. I’m Cash Remington, and I take what I want.


Content Warning: This swashbuckling standalone tale stars an alpha male who takes what he wants. It’s full of sex and violence. It’s an erotic adventure, not a romance, and is not “safe.” If you’re cool with these caveats, enjoy!


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I wake when the air in the room shifts. I crack my eyes open. Nere kneels beside the bed and slowly lifts the mattress. She’s after the stone. Little minx. The sun shines in her hair, the light strands almost silver.

I add in a snore so she’ll think I’m still out. A secret smile plays across her pink lips, and she reaches farther underneath me.

In one swift movement, I yank her up and toss her onto the bed next to me. She readies to scream, so I slap a hand over her mouth. I climb on top of her nude body and pin her wrists over her head with one hand. I push one knee between hers, though she tries to clamp her legs together. No chance. I’m far too strong to be denied.

I settle between her legs, and I hiss when my cock rests against her hot pussy, only the fabric of my pants separating me from her.

“A thief?” I glare into her light eyes.

She doesn’t flinch.

“Keep it quiet or I’ll smack you.” I peel my hand from her lips and run it down her side. Her skin is like silk, smooth and warm.

“Get off me.” Her eyes narrow.

“No.” I tighten my grip on her wrists and run my hand beneath her, getting a palm-full of her ass.

“All I want is my stone. Then I’ll go, and you’ll never see me again.”

I knead her flesh, my fingers creeping close to her pussy. “It’s my stone.”

“You stole it!”

I lean down and graze my lips across hers. “I’m a pirate.”

“It’s mine. I’ll get it one way or another.” She glares up at me in challenge, and now I know I have to fuck her. The spirited ones always get to me.

“It seems we’re in a situation. One where I want something, and you want something.” I smirk at her, and her eyes flicker to my lips.

“What do you want?”

I thrust my hips against her. “As if you need to ask.”

She presses her lips into a thin line and glowers at me. “No.”

“Then I guess I’ll take the gem and go. And then you’ll never see me again.” I release her hands and lean away from her. My heart pounds, adrenaline coursing through my veins. I’m toying with her. She’s going to take every inch of me before we leave this room.

“Wait.” She places one of her small hands on my thigh. “If I let you have what you want…” She glances away. “Then you’ll give me the stone?”

No. “Yes.”

“I have your word?” Her eyes sparkle in the noonday sun pouring through the glassless window.

“Of course.” As if the word of a pirate is worth anything.


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Celia Aaron is the self-publishing pseudonym of a published romance and erotica author. She loves to write stories with hot heroes and heroines that are twisty and often dark. Thanks for reading.

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~ Sales Blitz A MATTER OF TRUST! BY Q.T. Ruby~


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A Matter of Trust will be only 99c for June 1-3.



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She’s stuck in a rut, stuck in life and stuck in an elevator with Hollywood’s hottest actor. And of course she’s just come from the gym.


Claire Parelli just can’t seem to catch a break, well, except for heartbreak, that is. After a lifetime of following the rules, she winds up heartbroken, unfulfilled, and hiding from life. But she can’t hide for long.


After getting stuck aboard a broken elevator with Hollywood It-Boy, Daniel Chase, they begin a secret romance that pries Claire out of her element, out of her shell, and out of her sweatpants. But when their romance accidentally goes public, Claire’s life implodes, leaving her to choose to hunker down in the safety of her sweatpants, or risk her fragile heart on a chance at life, love, and the pursuit of better clothing.





He nods. “Fair enough. So . . . when might I see you again?”

See me again?  With a cautiously optimistic smile, I say, “You’re the one flying across the country. You tell me.”

“Well, I leave for L.A. after some meetings tomorrow, and my schedule is insane this week, but I believe I have a couple of days off at some point coming up in the next couple of weeks. I forget the exact dates. Anyway, maybe we’ll see each other then?”

“But you’ll be in L.A.”

“It’s not that far by plane.”

I shake my head. “I can’t call out of work.” I won’t blow off work to take a trip. Not for a guy. I’m smarter than that.

He nods. “Maybe I’ll fly back, then.”

My heart launches into my throat. “You’d fly back to see me? You must have a million girls at your disposal on the West Coast.” I’m teasing—sort of.

“True . . . but I’m running out.”

I laugh, enjoying how quickly he can make me laugh. “Oh, so I guess it’s time to move on to the East Coast women?”

He peers down at me through his long lashes, his full lips tugged up on one side. “Or woman.”

My heart flips and flops in my throat, but I won’t let myself buy it. “ ‘Woman,’ huh?”

He rolls his eyes. “Claire, really, how many women’s bedrooms do you think I just hang around in?”

I raise a “do you really want an answer?” eyebrow.

He shakes his head and chuckles. “For your information, if I was merely here for one thing, I’d have had you undressed long ago.”

I raise my eyebrows, smiling. “You think so, huh?”

“Yes, I do. I’m just . . . too polite.”

“Too polite?” I nearly bust out laughing.

“Or maybe I’m just an idiot.”

We both burst into laughter, releasing the tension in the room, and that’s when our eyes lock, speaking the same language, craving the same thing. The atmosphere shifts once again, this time instantly growing tight and thick with heat.



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Daydream believer and homecoming queen (Monkees anyone?), Q.T. Ruby, can now add writer to her resume, which includes thinking in song lyrics. She began her writing career as a child, channeling her ideas into songs she wrote and performed for a bedroom full of Barbies and stuffed animals. She now serenades her children with her songs, like “Just Eat What’s On Your Plate” and “You Are the Cutest, but Pick Up Your Stuff.” Q.T. Ruby loves her mom’s homemade rice pudding, pizza and movie night at home with her family, and is lucky enough to teach middle school in Connecticut where she was born and raised.


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The BEST Sale – Author Bethany Shaw



The Best Mistake –
Author Bethany Shaw

One night. One Mistake. Will it lead to true love?
The Best Mistake is on sale for 99 pennies for a limited time or FREE with your KU subscription
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New Adult Contemporary Romance


Meet Olivia & Derrick


Make Derrick your New Book Boyfriend


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Wanted: A Monster Billionaire Romance by Jani Kay & Normandie Alleman


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~Cover Reveal~ ** LIKE A BOSS ** by Logan Chance!





Cover Designer: Jessica Hildreth

Release Date: July 14th



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Theo Sullivan is the new boss of The Lopa, a classy tiki bar in the heart of South Beach, Miami.

Little does he know, a certain bartender doesn’t think he has what it takes to make it.

Personalities collide as Penelope Marks goes against the boss and tries her hardest to defy him.

Theo is determined to be a success.

Penny is determined not to lose.

What happens if these two get more than they bargained for?

What if the one person you want more than ever is the one person you hate even more?



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Logan Chance enjoys the simple things in life. Star Wars, music, and pretty girls. Always in trouble at school, he was made to copy the dictionary while

the others played. This began his word fascination.

With a love of words he then realized he loved stringing those same words together to create stories to inspire all.

From Boston, and relocated to Florida, he lives out his days writing, reading, and avoiding the beach.

Not afraid to tell it how it is, Logan is definitely a man of his own.

His younger brother, Jacob Chance is also an author and together they work the Indie world together as they release their sexy stories.




Logan’s Links




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~BLOG TOUR~ *Road to Royalty* by Autumn Jones Lake!


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Lost Kings MC Boxed Set, Includes Books 1-3, plus bonus material.


SLOW BURN (Lost Kings MC, Book #1)

Forced to represent an outlaw biker, a married attorney must come to terms with her feelings for her client while avoiding the danger he brings into her sedate life.


Love is the ultimate outlaw.

How do a lawyer and a badass biker with a heart of gold keep their love alive while their opposing worlds collide?


As a dark cloud descends over Hope and Rock’s already precarious future, will a long-hidden secret push them both past the point of no return?

Bonus Scene #1

At the Range

Bonus Scene #2

Prom Dress

PLUS, character interviews, and other exclusive-to-this-boxed-set material.





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It wasn’t love at first sight when I met her. Lust? Definitely. I don’t think I believed in love at the time, but one look at her beautiful face, and all the bad stuff around me melted away. Not an easy feat for a guy in handcuffs.

Someone as innocent as her should never have gotten involved with a man like me. By innocent, I don’t mean she was some breathy, eighteen-year-old virgin ingénue. No—when we met, she was a thirty-one-year-old married lady. When I use the word innocent, it is in terms of never having killed someone. Never seeing someone die in front of her. Never breaking the law.

True violence had never touched her life.

Violence and I had been close personal friends for a large part of my life. Along with crime. And death. I used violence as a tool to keep order in my often chaotic world, just as she used the law to keep things orderly in her black-and-white one.

She was a lawyer. I was a criminal. She was married to a decent, hard-working, honest guy. I fucked any willing girl who hung out in my club, and made my living in less than honest ways.


She was kind. I didn’t know any nice women. Hadn’t known one since my mother died shortly after my eighth birthday. I don’t have many memories of her, but the ones I do have are warm and pleasant.

None of the tramps my father brought home after her death had an ounce of compassion for a motherless brat. The strippers that danced in my club seemed younger every day. A lot of them were bitchy drama queens, and the older I got, the less patience I had for emotional scenes. The girls who attended to the members of my motorcycle club were down to fuck, but not much else. That’s how I liked them.

We met in a courtroom. I sat in the area designated for prisoners. Shackles laced my hands and feet together. I shuffled into the room wearing a spiffy orange jumpsuit, the county correctional logo stenciled across my back in big white letters—just in case anyone thought I suffered from bad fashion sense.

She sat in the front row. I didn’t hang my head when I entered. I stood proud and tall looking over the entire room. Some of my brothers stood along the back wall, waiting to see if I’d get bail.

I couldn’t find my attorney in the sea of people. His big, shiny, bald dome should have been easy to spot. My gaze wandered back to the girl in the front row. Long, straight, reddish-brown hair flowed down past her shoulders. Straight bangs across her forehead framed brilliant green eyes. Even from where I sat, I spotted freckles splattered across her nose. The deep green suit she wore emphasized the creaminess of her skin. The banister separating the criminals from the common folk blocked my view of anything below her shoulders, but that angelic face hooked me right away.

The sheriff leaned over and whispered to me, “Your attorney called to say he’s running late.” I nodded and mumbled a “thanks” without taking my eyes off the girl. Was her old man locked up? Was she a witness to a crime? Would my asshole lawyer get here so I could get free and talk to the girl?

“Any other message?” I asked Deputy Brown. He was a decent guy as far as pigs went. He’d treated me with respect, hadn’t tried to bash my head into anything, and even brought me a donut before leading me upstairs to court. He didn’t get a chance to answer, because the bailiff made a big show of telling me to shut up. Arrogant prick wasn’t good enough to even be a cop, but he sure acted like one. I’d dealt with him before.

My eyes returned to the girl. She sat patient and attentive, waiting her turn. Once or twice, she looked at the clock. Only a slight twitch of her lips indicated her annoyance.

After what seemed like an eternity, the bailiff called the next case, and the girl stood up. She hauled a battered briefcase over her shoulder and stepped through the swinging gate up to the table across from where I sat.

Holy shit.

If I’d been anywhere else in the world, I would have whistled long and low to express my appreciation for the soft curves of her body. The skirt she wore fell to her knees, but it clung to all the right spots and showcased a fantastic set of calves. Her modest heels clicked over the wooden floor, calling my attention to her slender ankles. I was so busy drooling over her I missed it when she stated her name.

The dickhead bailiff brought over a chair and actually smiled at her. She thanked him politely. The judge made some chit-chat with her, and she let out a girlish giggle. People seemed to know her. Like her.

“Attorney Kendall?”

“Yes, your honor.” She stood up. Ah, she was a lawyer. That explained the chit-chat. She argued some civil matter I didn’t understand or care about. I listened to her make her case, then watched her sit down. Her opponent didn’t have a lawyer. He bumbled around and generally made a fool of himself. She listened with a passive expression, then argued her position again. The judge ruled in her favor.

I wanted her. In more ways than one after her performance. The courtroom was almost empty. My guys still occupied the back row, but that was it. If my lawyer didn’t show up soon, I’d be screwed.

I nudged Deputy Brown with my elbow. “Can she represent me?”

“I don’t think she’s a criminal attorney.”

“Just for the arraignment. To get me out.”

“I’ll ask.”

The deputy motioned to the bailiff to watch me and went to talk to the clerk. She nodded, and when the judge had a moment, she whispered in his ear.

Fuck. The girl was putting her stuff away and getting ready to leave. I really wanted her. I mean, I wanted to fuck her, of course. But I also wanted her to represent me. People seemed to like and respect her. I’d been in and out of the criminal justice system long enough to know getting out of trouble was sometimes less about what you knew and more about who you knew. If I’d gotten picked up in a different county, I could have used my connections to make this go away. Here, I was kind of stuck. I needed her.

“Attorney Kendall, could you stay and do an arraignment, please?” the judge asked off the record.

Her jaw dropped, and the color drained from her face. “Uh, I’m not a criminal attorney, your honor,” she stammered.

“It’s pretty simple. Mr. North’s attorney got delayed. Don’t make me appoint you,” he teased.


“Well, um, just for the limited purpose of this arraignment?” she asked with a hopeful lilt to her voice.

“That’s fine.”

The judge waved me over next to her. Her big eyes widened in shock as I lumbered over. I was mildly insulted. Had she really not noticed me the entire time I’d been sitting there?

“I can pay you,” I whispered down to her.

She looked startled. “It’s okay. What are we dealing with?” I liked the way she said “we.”


She gave me a blank stare.

“Marijuana. Got caught with a couple blunts.” Acting on a bad tip from one of the club’s many enemies, the cops had been hoping to pin a whole hell of a lot more on me. This was why, instead of ignoring the weed like most cops did these days, I was standing here in shackles and the orange jumpsuit.

“Oh geez.” She rolled her eyes. At me or the charge, I wasn’t sure.

“Do you have a record?”

“About a mile long.”

That stopped her. She stared up at me, searching my face for the truth. Apparently deciding no one would joke about that, she nodded her head.

“Can you post bail? Do you work? Have a family?”

“Yes, yes, and yes.”

She didn’t ask what kind of work. Or what kind of family for that matter.

“Your honor, I’ve had a chance to confer with my client.” “Very well. Let’s call it.”

His clerk stood and read out, “The People of the State of New York versus Rochlan North.” Look at that—the old gal even pronounced my first name right.

My girl looked up at me again. My manners were shit. I’d never bothered to introduce myself, I guess.

The judge slammed his gavel down. First time I’d heard him do it all morning. The sharp thwack broke the staring contest my pretty lawyer and I were engaged in. “Do you wish to hear the reading of the charges, counselor?”

She hesitated for a minute, and the judge covered the microphone with his hand. “Usually the attorney waives the reading, Miss Kendall.”

“I know, your honor. Thank you. Yes, I’ll waive the reading. May I have a copy of the charges for my file, though?”

“Yes, of course. Do you wish to be heard on bail?”

“Yes, your honor. My client assures me he can pay a reasonable sum. He’s a hard-working family man, so it would be in society’s best interest to allow him to continue to work and provide for his family while he waits to address these false charges.”

I’m proud to say I kept a straight face during all of that. She impressed me with her quick thinking, though. Criminal attorney or not, she was clever. I had a fondness for clever. Clever kept you alive.

Cute and smart. I should get arrested more often.

“Very well. Bail is set in the amount of five hundred dollars cash. If your client is able to post it now, he can be processed downstairs instead of going back to county.” She looked up at me and arched an eyebrow. I nodded and motioned my crew forward.

“That’s acceptable. Thank you, your honor.”

“Off the record,” the judge said to the court reporter. He looked back up at my attorney. “See, that wasn’t so hard, Miss Kendall.” The judge’s face lit up in a wolfish smile I didn’t take kindly to. Already in my head, I’d laid claim to this woman whose first name I didn’t even know.

The sheriff came over and gripped my elbow.

“Can’t you remove the restraints, now?” she asked the sheriff with wide, pleading eyes.

To say her request stunned me would be an understatement. No one had ever given a crap about my discomfort.

The sheriff did not look surprised. He answered her gently. “No counselor, not till he’s posted the bail money. You can meet us downstairs.” He nodded toward the guys standing behind the banister. “His posse can show you the way.”

She hesitated, and I read the expression on her face loud and clear. She didn’t want to follow my crew anywhere. In fact, she looked like she wanted to run away.

“Go ahead, I’ll be fine.” I appreciated that she’d given it a try. Sheriffs wouldn’t break protocol no matter how owl-eyed innocent she acted. It sure turned me on, though. Maybe that was the moment I fell in love with her.









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Autumn prefers to write her romances on the classy side of dirty, and she’s a sucker for a filthy-talking, demanding alpha male hero. The bigger the better. She believes true love stories never end.

Some of Autumn’s favorite hobbies include reading, writing, acting, music and horror movies. When she’s home, her faithful Pug is always by her side. She’s an active member of her local chapter of Romance Writers of America.

Autumn was born and raised in upstate New York. She still enjoys all four seasons there with her very own alpha hero and their three rescue dogs.

You can find Autumn on Facebook and she always loves to hear from readers at:


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** Cover Reveal for Ysa Arcangel ** Underneath It All!

––––––  COVER REVEAL –––––– 


Coming June 14th from Limitless Publishing



Cover Design by Wicked By Design



A senior at Gates University, Agata Ferrero knows without a doubt that Reeve Gates is off limits…

Students can’t date faculty, and Reeve has been appointed by his father as the new Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. But when a near accident with the front end of Reeve’s sleek sports car brings her in close contact with him, Agata can’t deny the flash of desire that consumes her.


Reeve Gates is a man hell-bent on revenge…

Abandoned in the care of his step-mother as a child, Reeve accepts the position at Gates University for the sole purpose of ruining his father’s career. What he didn’t expect was to be sidetracked by the sultry eyes of a student.


Resisting temptation is even harder than it looks…

When a sorority pledging incident leaves Agata stranded on campus in the middle of a treacherous storm, her better judgment falters and she accepts help from the young Dean she can’t get out of her head. Certain there is a beating heart underneath his stone-cold exterior, she escapes with Reeve on a romantic retreat away from prying eyes.


Blinded by retaliation…

Reeve manipulates his dying father into handing over control of the university—and immediately threatens to shut down the school as a form of cruel payback. His scheme sparks a campus-wide protest that leaves one of Agata’s professors dead and her future hanging in the balance. 

Agata must fight to convince Reeve he is capable of forgiveness, and their taboo love is worth more than revenge.


But is there really a bright future awaiting…

Underneath It All.





Ysa Arcangel is a Filipino author based in Manila. She works as a Spanish-English GDS Helpdesk by day and a writer by night. She is a loving partner to a chef and a mom to three amazing kids. 

She enjoys creative writing and uses her obsessive nature by writing contemporary paranormal and romance fiction with lots of laughs, tears and sighs showcasing sweet, funny and badass female leads with raunchy and hot male love interests whether human or supernatural.

She’s a lover of coffee, tattoos, and giant dogs. She is also an extreme sports enthusiast. When she’s not writing, you can see her spending time with her family, reading, or having TV series marathons.



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* Release Blitz * ~ Hooker ~ by J.L. Perry!




Title: Hooker

Author: J.L. Perry

Publisher: Hachette

Genre: Contemporary Romance

 Release Date: May 31, 2016






Jade’s young life was tough. After her mother died during childbirth and her father could no longer look after her, she was placed in foster care where she stayed for the next ten years. She grew up feeling unloved and unwanted as she was passed around from one screwed up home to the next.

Things began to look up for her when she was adopted by a wealthy socialite at the age of eleven. Sometimes though, things aren’t always what they seem. Jade didn’t know it at the time, but her new adoptive mother had big plans for her, and spent the next seven years grooming Jade for that role.

Jade learnt early in life that she couldn’t rely on anyone but herself. Instead of letting her circumstances beat her, she took all the negatives she’d been dealt, and used them to her advantage. She grew up to be a strong, successful, determined and independent woman. She was a loner by choice.

The only thing lacking in her life was companionship and love. She’d never experienced it, so she didn’t know what she was missing, until she had a one-night-stand with a handsome stranger. One night, that would change everything.


Brock grew up privileged. He had everything going for him. Money, looks, charm, success and an endless array of beautiful women. He wasn’t interested in commitment. To him women were easy. They practically threw themselves at his feet. All they wanted was to do something nobody had ever managed before. Snare the hot, rich bachelor.

Then he met Jade. She was like a breath of fresh air. A challenge. Nothing like the women he was used too. Their one night together ignited something within him. A burning desire to own her, possess her, but Jade had other plans. Nobody says no to Brock Weston, nobody.


He’s left wondering about a woman he knows he can never have. But, when fate brings them together again, will he get what he wants? Will he be able to claim the unattainable? Or will her secrets crush him, and destroy any chance they have of being together?



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After tightening the ribbon, I admire my ensemble in the mirror. It looks gorgeous.

‘Jade,’ I hear Brock call softly, after knocking on the cubicle door.


‘Can I see now?’

The hopefulness in his voice brings a smile to my face again. Without replying, I unlock and open the door slightly. He pops his head in and the look on his face does something to me. I’m so lost in it, I don’t even realise when he pushes the door open further, worming his way inside and turning the latch to relock it.

‘What are you doing?’ I whisper.

‘Sweet Jesus,’ is all he says as his arms wrap around my waist, drawing my body towards his. ‘You look incredible. We’re definitely buying this.’

‘You like?’ I ask as he gropes at my arse.

‘I fucking love. Turn around.’

I do as he asks.

‘Christ,’ he groans as his fingers skim up the outside of my legs until they’re resting on my hips. In the reflection, I see his eyes planted firmly on my behind. He takes a step forward, rubbing his body against mine. When his gaze meets mine in the mirror there’s pure desire in his eyes. Nobody has ever looked at me the way he does. Nobody.

His hands encircle my waist as he draws me closer, pressing into my back. ‘What are you doing to me?’ he murmurs as his lips graze over my shoulder. I have no idea, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same thing he’s doing to me.

I moan softly, resting my head against his chest while his mouth trails a path up my neck. One of his hands palm my breast through the corset, and the other moves down between my legs. I’m so lost in his touch that I totally forget we’re still in the dressing room at the lingerie store.

I’m pulled back into reality when I hear the tearing of fabric. ‘Brock,’ I say, when my eyes fly open to see him shoving the now ruined panties I was just wearing into his pocket. ‘I haven’t even paid for them yet.’

‘Shhh,’ he whispers in my ear as the hand on my breast moves up to cover my mouth. ‘I’m going to fuck you now. I can’t wait another second.’ My eyes widen at his comment. Has he lost his mind? We can’t have sex in here. I see his other hand in the reflection of the mirror disappear behind me and the distinct sound of a zipper rings out in the silence that has now fallen over us.

My stance widens automatically. My head knows what we’re about to do is wrong, but apparently my vagina didn’t get that memo.

‘Do you even realise how sexy you are?’ he whispers as his hand finds its way between my legs again.

‘Mmmm,’ I moan into the palm of his hand, my body trembling with anticipation.

‘I’ll remove my hand if you promise to be quiet. Okay?’

I nod. I still can’t believe we’re going to do this.

‘Place your hands on the mirror,’ he demands. I do exactly as he asks. It’s ironic how I’ve hated being controlled my entire life, yet I have no qualms about following his orders. The way Brock takes control is sexy.

He rubs his cock between my legs as I push my hips towards him. I’m no longer concerned about what we’re doing. I want to feel him inside me.

I bite down on my lip when he slides inside me, trying hard not to make a noise.

‘Christ you feel amazing,’ he breathes as he pulls out slightly before pushing all the way back in.

‘Oh god.’ One of his hands grasps my hip, holding me in place, while the other tugs on my hair, tilting my head back so his mouth can cover mine.

‘I said no noise.’

My eyes roll back in my head as he deepens the kiss before picking up the pace. He slams into me in short, hard strokes. It feels incredible. The risk of the sales assistant discovering us only seems to heighten the experience.

It doesn’t take long for him to have me on the edge. ‘I’m … I’m,’ is all I get to say before we’re interrupted.

‘Is everything all right in there?’ I hear the skanky sales assistant ask. Shit. There’s no holding back. I’m coming whether I like it or not.

‘Ahh,’ I moan into Brock’s mouth as my body starts to shudder and my orgasm hits me full force. His hand quickly moves from my hip, snaking around my waist, using his strength to hold me up. When he pulls out of the kiss, I see a smile tug at his lips as his eyes lock with mine in the mirror.

‘We’re fine,’ he says in a breathless tone that has him sounding like he’s just run a damn marathon.

I see his eyes clench shut as his movements become more desperate. I can feel my vagina still pulsing around him and I know he’s about to come as well. Shit, could his timing be any worse?



Author Bio


J L Perry is a mother of one son and a wife. She was born in Sydney, Australia in 1972, and has lived there her whole life. Her love of reading, from a young age, gave her the passion to write. My Destiny was originally written for her sister, in 2013. It was never intended to be published. However, after finishing this book, she felt there was still a lot of Brooke and Logan’s story left to tell. This inspired her to write My Forever. With the encouragement of her family and friends, she decided to follow her dream and become a published Author.

That dream was realized on the 6th of June, 2014.

My Destiny is her debut novel in the Destiny Series. My Forever is the conclusion to this book. My Destiny and My Forever, won a gold and silver medal in the 2015 eLit Book Awards for digital publishing, with the Jenkins Group. Her series that included My Destiny, My Forever and Damaged, also won a first place in the Easychair online Bookstore annual awards in 2015. Her books received a perfect score from all the judges. Her third book Damaged – Jacinta’s Story was released October 15th, 2014. This is a standalone book, but is based on a character in My Forever. Her fourth book Against All Odds, is a standalone book, as well, but part of the Destiny Series. It was released in May, 2015.

Her fifth book Bastard, was self-published in September, 2015, and became a #1 Bestseller, before she signed a five book deal with Hachette. Bastard and Luckiest Bastard – the Novella, were re-released through Hachette on the 7th of December, 2015. Hooker is releasing on the 31st May, 2016. Jax and Nineteen Letters will be published late 2016.

J L’s love of romance and happy endings makes a perfect combination when it comes to writing her beautiful love stories.







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~ Release Blitz: Unbreakable by Max Henry! ~

Title: Unbreakable

Series: Fallen Aces MC #1.5

Author: Max Henry

Genre: MC Romance

Release Date: May 31, 2016

Even after a broken heart is repaired, can the scars be too many for it to beat the same again?

Six years and a promotion to club president later, I’ve finally had enough of her excuses. The lies have to stop. She IS worth the risk, I’ve NEVER gone a day without thinking about her or my son, and I know underneath it all she DOES still love me.

This time, she’ll come home for good … she just doesn’t know it yet.

Max is the author of dark, and highly emotional romance. Her Butcher Boys series is centered around a group of ex-street kids who have teamed up with an indebted motorcycle club to take down a notorious drug lord. And her new series, the Fallen Aces MC, is a spin-off from this dark and dangerous world. Her writing has been described as ‘gripping’, and ‘addictive’, taking you on an ’emotional roller coaster ride’.

Originally born and bred in New Zealand, Max now resides with her family in beautiful and sunny Queensland, Australia. Life with two young children can be hectic at times, and although she may not write as often as she would like, Max wouldn’t change a thing. When she’s not engrossed in her dark and twisted fictional worlds, she can be found enjoying the outdoors while 4wd-ing with her family.


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