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                        Book 1- Passion in Paradise

                                Author Sarah O’Rourke

Catch up on the story that started the entire Passion in Paradise series. When Dr. Cain Turner’s life was literally blown apart in a small province of Afghanistan, he was certain that he couldn’t let his demons take over his fiance’s life….so he decided that he had to protect her by letting her go. But in the small country hamlet of Paradise, Tennessee…Faith waits. Surrounded by her loving sisters, Faith McKinnon thought that the love of her life had deserted her. But fate…and a few meddling McKinnon sisters…conspired to bring the two star-crossed lovers together again. Will Cain ever be able to win Faith again? Romantica, HEA.


~*~ BLOG TOUR for Cain by LB Dunbar! ~*~


Grab this hot MMA fighter today!



“I hate that I love you,” she said. “You left me.”

“I lost you, there’s a difference. Now that I found you, I intend to keep you.”


I’d tasted the sweetest fruit of temptation, and I wanted another bite. I had promised myself before, but once wasn’t enough. The savory flavor of her lingered long after I’d lost her. Contending with the pressure to return to the fight, in order to prove myself to my father and the world, I had to let her go.


It has been a year. Sofie Vincentia and I had played a dangerous game. For one night, we pretended, only to discover our farce was real. I’d lost her, but I hadn’t stopped searching, hoping for her return. I was used to getting what I wanted, so when she didn’t come to me, I had to go after her. This would be the greatest fight of my life.



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About the Author:


I’d love to say I’ve written for 10,000 hours, and that makes me a pro. But I can’t say that. What I can say is I had a story in my head that wouldn’t go away. I thought typing it in my computer would be the end of things, but it only led to another story and another. I love reading, so characters in my head isn’t something new. What is new is my creation of them. Hope you enjoy my favorites as much as I do. Happy reading!

Connect with LB!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lbdunbarauthor

Twitter: https://twitter.com/lbdunbarwrites

Web: http://www.lbdunbar.com


¸.•´¸.•*´¨)✯ ¸.•*¨) ✮ (¸.•´✶ Spotlight Presenting: Montana Ash!

Spotlight Author!

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Montana Ash!


Author Name: Montana Ash
Contact Name: Kim Rose
Contact Email: montanaash.author@yahoo.com
Montana is a self-confessed book junkie. Although she loves reading all genres from romance
to crime fiction to sci-fi, her not-so- guilty pleasure is paranormal romance. Alpha men, just a
little bit damaged, and Alpha women who dont seem to know they need looking after, are a
favourite combination of hers. Throw in some steamy sex scenes, a touch of humour, and a
little violence and she is in heaven!
Her overactive (and overindulged) imagination could only take so much before the many
voices wanted out. Thus, Montanas journey into the wonderful world of writing.
She is a scientist by day, having grown up in country New South Wales, Australia. Writing
about ancient knights, demons and shapeshifters is such a delicious contradiction to her day
job in the laboratory, that she doesnt see the voices stopping anytime soon!
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Warden Final Cover Front-JPEG
Ryker is a paladin. An ancient knight, born to protect those precious few who hold powers
over the elements. He is bound by honour, courage and loyalty. But when tragedy strikes he
forsakes everything he stands for, vowing never to serve again. He opens his home to other
rejected and dishonoured knights … but never his heart. That is, until a sarcastic, sword-
wielding, miniature Warden barges into his life, bringing chaos and mayhem to his carefully
ordered world.
Will he forgive himself for past mistakes? Or will old wounds continue to scar his future?
Max is different. She has a strange affinity to nature and finds herself constantly causing
disasters wherever she goes. What’s more, strange creatures stalk her every step, their
relentless pursuit driving her to the brink of exhaustion. Stumbling upon a gaggle of hot
ancient knights seems too good to be true but she can’t deny they have the answers she’s
looking for. Too bad their Captain is a growly, insensitive jerk who insults her every time he
opens his gorgeous mouth.
Should she trust her instincts and allow herself to hope for the first time in her life? Or will
her fierce independence cause her to lose the one thing she has always craved? A home.
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Honour. Duty. Loyalty. Control. These are the principles Darius lives by – almost to the point
of obsession. They had forged him into a noble knight but had also cost him the woman of his
dreams and wrought a non-relenting hatred for his personal nemeses; the chades.
When a tiny, redheaded, whirlwind of trouble descends upon him and his fellow knights in a
flurry of questions and impossibilities, Darius finds himself struggling to reconcile his past
values with his future desires.
For Diana, the arrival of Max brings with it a portent; revolution. As a paladin of death,
acceptance is at her core. So embracing the sarcastic powerhouse as her sworn liege is easy.
But embracing a certain air paladin who is a pathological rule-follower? Well, that isn’t so
easy, despite the attraction they have shared for centuries.
With Darius confronted by his demons and a bitter Warden bent on exacting revenge, will the
two knights ever reach their happily ever after?


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Kemmie Michaels Summer Sale Extravaganza

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Kemmie Summer Sale Extravaganza

All Books are on OFFER 99c/99p! This week only!
Ends on the 12th June 2016!

Unlike Hero

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Erin never would have expected to fall in love. Never. Not with her past, and not with her fear. She never dated; she didn’t even allow herself friendships. She didn’t trust her judge-of-character skills enough to allow anyone close…until Marcus.

With him, a deep connection happened in spite of the walls she’d so carefully constructed around herself. His self-confessed rage fueled much of his life, with the exception of her. For Erin, Marcus dares to make the step toward love…one with the potential to heal them both.

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Real Challenge

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Women fall all over him. Why wouldn’t they? He’s tall, successful, an Olympic gold-medalist, and blond-haired-blue-eyed charmer who knows how to get what he wants. Scott Merchant has everything figured out…with one exception: Cassie Walker.

Within the first hour of meeting Cassie, arrogant playboy Scott wants her. He puts her in the category of obnoxious, ridiculous…and hot. He’s oddly attracted to her brash attitude and her refusal to be impressed by him. For Scott, Cassie becomes his next challenge.

Cassie, the twin sister of Unlikely Hero’s Marcus Walker, has no use for Scott’s plastered-on smile. His take-what-you-can-get-out-of-life attitude, however, she can match. Scott’s Real Challenge is finding a way to keep that core-deep self true…all the time. Dropping the “strut and charm” may be more than he can handle. Scott loves a challenge, but staying real may prove too difficult. Cassie is worth his efforts, and does her best to inspire him as often as she can.

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Breaking Through

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Luke has almost nothing…no job, no apartment, no stability. His life consists of off-the-books jobs and crashing on the couches of buddies who’ll take him in spite of his screaming PTSD nightmares. He wouldn’t even care about his lack of stability except for one reason: when he comes home from his tour in Afghanistan, Luke is surprised to find he has a two-year-old daughter. He instantly wants to take care of his little girl and protect her from her party-hungry mother. He just has no idea how.

Through luck and circumstance, Luke begins fight-training with Marcus Walker, Atlanta’s top MMA fighter. With a proper outlet for his rage and physical tension, Luke pulls his life together one small piece at a time. It’s not until he meets Jennalyn Roche, however, that he understands love, peace, and hope. With the influence of good friends and the woman he calls his angel, even scars as deep as his may heal.
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Martin and Abby never intended to meet anyone while they were away. Circumstance, however, pushes them together in spite of their expectations. With an entire vacation week with nothing to do but spend time together, Martin and Abby forge a connection unlike anything either had felt before. With Abby’s conservative nature and Martin’s refusal to be the player he had once been, the couple keeps themselves physically apart.

Until they can’t.

They collide into a friction that sparks a blazing need to stay together. Keeping the heat alive from opposite ends of the country, though, may prove too difficult. Distance and circumstance become very ugly words in this couple’s vocabulary.


Two years separate Nick and Roula from their hot, one-week romance on an island resort. Two years they think of each other while keeping themselves solidly apart. Two years each refuse to break the “no-contact” part of the good-bye deal. Two years keep them going through life’s struggles alone.

Those same two years pass before fate reunites them. Roula’s playful nature combines once again with Nick’s quiet passion to ignite a chance for a beautiful reconnection.

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Ledger sees the defeat in her eyes the moment she sits at the bar, devastated and beautiful. The emptiness in her gaze he understands to his core, and he’s instantly compelled to help this brown-haired beauty fight the source of her pain. Determined and intense, he needs to use his strength to help her find her own. Cam Foster, in that instant, becomes the dove he wants to free from her cage. From the first night, he needs her.

Cruelly, the past refuses to let her go. The lingering manipulation holds her in that cage as the control she lived under continues to crush the woman she wants to become. Even though Ledger offers her heated passion and a safe haven, she can’t find her way out.

Desire and danger fight to pull her life in two directions…but those forces may crumble as Ledger fights harder than any barrier he and his dove face.

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For Mason, every smile is forced. Every joke represents effort. Bartending stands as a calculated decision to be a regular guy. In spite of his best efforts, life at such an easy pace is painful…because Mason was raised on a diet of crushing adrenaline and fierce, strategical thinking. His time in the Special Forces ended two years prior, but his drive and skill remained the strongest part of his being.

When his skills are needed again, Mason wakes up from a two-year haze and rescues the damsel. Mission accomplished. Victory had.

…Devastation returns.

Mason has no idea how to return to his everyday existence, not after flexing every strength he’d pushed aside. The simple truth is he can’t. Balance, he decides, is the key: remain his joke-cracking self with his friends, and indulge in some ass-kicking on the side.

Together with Sofia ‘Dig’ DiGiacamo, Mason plans to eliminate every point of corruption they can uncover. A life of purpose fills him again, but the pressure threatens to rip him painfully apart. The turmoil stirs ugly memories of his Army career, adding an explosive element to his world.

Every day he fights corruption, every evening he fights himself. But still, Mason grits his teeth and grins. He’s determined to keep his life, love, past, shame, desperate need, and suppressed anger all hidden behind his smiling, regular guy, bartender self. His fight remains an unending circle, and Mason battles on every front.

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Violence shaped Callen Reed’s childhood. Special Forces forged his adulthood. When the woman he loves is murdered, revenge should be both simple and necessary. Love, however, opened his heart once, and may also have the potential to save him from the darkness of his grief.
The world lays both love and revenge at his feet. His choice, his consequences.

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Shelby Keene has lost touch…with her friends, her job, and even herself. She is swept along by life happening around her, until danger forces her further into a wild current beyond her control.

Even in the most dire of circumstance, a chance at love may redeem past mistakes and protect her from the terrifying threats against her.

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BLOG TOUR! ~*~ Sweet Secrets Series ~*~ by Taylor Henderson!


Ever since Violet Forrester first moved next door to Brianna, she has been tortured relentlessly… 


It seems like Brianna has everything, and yet she still doesn’t have the one thing she really wants; the one thing that Violet cares about the most—Blake Edwards. 


After years of letting Brianna walk all over her, Violet’s finally had enough. She’s tired of sitting back and watching Brianna flirt with her boyfriend, steal her friends, and push her around. She’s finally ready to stand up for herself. 


To do this, Violet and her new friend, Lena, devise a plan to make Brianna realize that not everything is hers for the taking, and Violet knows the perfect way to do it… 

After all, nothing is better than revenge. 






That is, until someone gets hurt.



















With the drama of the school year behind them, sisters Lena and Ella Snotty are off to California for the summer… 


Their parents have recently separated, and the sisters are becoming closer, though Lena can’t get past wanting to know more about their fractured family. While unpacking, Lena finds a photo of their mother with the twins she gave up for adoption, and notices something very strange. 


In the photo, there’s a man she’s never seen before… 


Assuming it must be the man who adopted the twins, Lena and Ella set out to find him so they can meet their younger siblings. As they search, Lena reconnects with Carter Anderson, the boy she dumped abruptly the year before, causing her to wonder whether or not she should return to Virginia in the fall. 


Did the man in the picture truly adopt the twins—or is John Symmes someone else altogether? 


A journey through the past might just change their lives forever…









Ella Snotty is worth more than a quickie… 


After a family scandal tore their family apart, seventeen-year-old Ella chooses to stay in California with her mom for the rest of the school year. Things are lonely since her sister Lena went to live with their dad. But at least she has her new boyfriend, Shane Quinn, to make things a little less depressing. 


Ella isn’t the only girl who thinks Shane is swoon-worthy… 


Shane takes Ella out to blow off some steam, and the party isn’t short on alcohol. When a tipsy old flame “falls” into Shane’s lap, her spontaneous kiss makes Ella more than a little jealous. And when details of Shane’s dating history surface, Ella is determined to be more than a fling. 


The V-word will slow things down… 


Afraid Shane wants to use her for a little fun, Ella lies and says she’s a virgin. According to his reputation, Shane has commitment issues. Maybe it’ll make him stick around long enough for them to form a real connection before the physical sparks fly. But is he worth the lie? And what happens when both of their insecurities come crumbling down like a house of cards? 


She wants his heart. He’s afraid to commit. As the pressure mounts, will they find comfort in each other? Or will they learn that when playing with fire, you risk getting burned?















The hot summer sun was beating down on us as we sat together on the side of the pool. Leaning forward, I dipped one foot into the water and made small circles, causing the clear water to ripple and shine in the bright sunlight. I could feel the heat radiating off of his body as he snaked his arm around my waist. Despite the heat I leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulder as I breathed in his scent. The strong smell of his aftershave mixed with citrus from his shampoo enveloped me, fogging my thoughts.

“Want to take a swim?” Blake looked at me with a small smirk on his sun-tanned face that made my heart melt.

I couldn’t help but notice the way his blue eyes twinkled every time he looked at me. A small breeze blew a few strands of his black hair into his eyes as I cupped his cheek with my hand.

“I dare you,” I whispered as I leaned in closer to him, pressing my lips gently to his.

He kissed me back softly, allowing his lips to mold and move in sync with mine, before pulling back and smirking at me. “I never turn down a good dare!” he exclaimed with a laugh as he shoved me into the pool.

The cold water slapped against my body, folding in around me on all sides until I was completely submerged. I had just barely managed to take in a breath before I had been so rudely shoved into the pool, and I was thankful that I had. When my toes touched the bottom of the deep end I kicked off of the concrete, propelling myself back upward. Once my head broke the surface I rubbed the chlorinated water from my eyes and squinted up at where Blake had been sitting moments ago.

A chorus of giggles erupted from the opposite direction and I turned my head to see Blake walking toward the fence that separated my yard from my neighbor’s, laughing at something that Brianna, the stuck up princess who lived next door, had said. She giggled, tossing her hair lightly as she spoke again, leaning her body against the wooden fence. As Blake drew near her, she leaned her body forward and pulled him into a tight hug, pressing her chest to his body while rolling her eyes at me, and smirking. I responded with a glare that only deepened when she mouthed the word, “Mine,” before she pulled away. The only word she has known ever since we were little.

Since I was younger, and even now, Brianna has been associated with some of my worst memories. As I watched her talk to my boyfriend while tossing me sly glares I remembered seventh grade when Brianna had done everything in her power to make my life miserable. Not even a month into the school year she had found a way to turn all of my friends against me. She dug a hole into my friend group, put herself in, and took me out. She had a leader quality in her, that was for sure. All of my friends followed her in spreading rumors about me, and isolating me from the main group.

I had learned at a young age how to entertain myself, and I had even gotten use to being alone. Her actions, and the actions of my so-called friends had shown me that trust shouldn’t be doled out easily. Trust is something to be given to those who deserve it. That was something that had stuck with me, and was probably the reason I had so few friends to this very day.

Logically, I knew that I was able to change that, but my trust issues ran deep, and I blamed Brianna. Even at a young age she had been conniving and evil. Nothing about her personality has really changed. She’s still conniving and evil—just more so.

That was just one of the many times that the stuck up bitch, formally known as Brianna Richardson, had taken something that was mine and made it hers, and I was tired of it. Brianna was the type of girl who had been spoiled and put on a pedestal her whole life, and I hated people like that. I wanted to rip the silver spoon from her smirking mouth and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine. It was about time that she learned other people have feelings too, and I was just the person to teach her that.



I pulled a long sleeve sweater from deep within the confines of my suitcase, and stared at it quizzically. Wow, I really did go overboard packing. I know that I had said that I was packing in preparation for anything that came my way, but seriously, a long sleeve sweater? Did I think that sometime during my visit, San Diego was going to be hit by a blizzard?

Shaking my head, I folded the sweater neatly and tucked it away into the bottom drawer of my dresser. I had been unpacking for nearly two hours now, and so far I hadn’t gotten far. I blamed my lack of progress on my short attention span, and my laziness. So far, I had managed to organize each drawer according to clothing article. I had separate drawers for bottoms, tops, bathing suits, undergarments, pajamas, and miscellaneous. The sweater was placed into the miscellaneous drawer where it was accompanied by a thin raincoat, sweat pants, and a pair of gray leg-warmers. Seriously, I had a packing problem.

My phone buzzed on the dull hardwood floor just a few inches away from my thigh. I scooped the phone up and smiled at the screen when I saw that the message was from Violet. She had been sending me cute videos of her sister, Lilly, all morning. Lilly had started taking dance lesson a few months ago, and she had her first recital coming up in a week so she would practice throughout the house, despite her mom’s efforts. I unlocked the phone, which instantly opened the message to show another video. Along with the video, Violet had sent a message telling me to listen to her mom.

Smiling, I hit play on the video, and watched closely as the camera focused on a dancing, tutu-clad Lilly. She was spinning around the Forrester’s living room, weaving in and out of the furniture and doing ballet-style leaps over little obstacles that littered the floor. The obstacles were little stuffed animals, and toys that Lilly had probably set up.

“Watch this, Lizzie,” Lilly’s voice blasted from my phone’s speaker. She stopped moving and faced the camera head on, then smiled so brightly that her eyes scrunched up some. Her dark curls continued to bounce around her face from the previous motion. “I, Lilly Forrester, am going to do something that no other dancer can do.” She raised her arms high over her head, and proceeded to do a cartwheel from the living room into the dining room where her mom was.

I heard Mrs. F. let out a shriek, and it soundly like she was about to have an aneurysm or something. The shriek caused Lilly to lose her footing, and fall onto her butt. “No cartwheels!” Violet’s mom spoke loudly. She wasn’t yelling, but she was definitely worked up. “You could break your neck!” Then the video ended, and I laughed loudly at her words. Mrs. F. was known for being an extreme worrywart. I thought that it was hilarious, while Violet thought that her mom was crazy. I was sure that if I had grown up with her as my mom, I would think she was crazy too.

I shook my head; still smiling to myself about the video as I typed back a reply about how her mom was hilarious, before setting my phone back on the ground and staring into my suitcase again. I would probably be done now if I had continuously stuck with unpacking when I first started. I had begun right after breakfast, and Ella and I had decided to have a race to see who could finish first. She won.

It wasn’t fair really. I had more to unpack than she did, so I should have gotten a head start. It had only taken her half an hour to unpack everything. How was that possible? When she finished and had come up to brag about her winning, I no longer saw the point in rushing, and began to take my sweet time. I had even taken a break to go talk to grandpa who had been doing a little organizing of his own. Apparently grandma had given him the task of cleaning out the once guest room that had been converted to a storage room. She didn’t want me to be stuck up in the attic room for my whole visit. I was fine being in the attic, but grandma disagreed.

So when I went to see grandpa, he had been in the middle of trying to figure out the most effective way to begin cleaning the room. In my opinion the most effective way to begin cleaning was to start, but he was sure that there was a certain way that he needed to tackle his task. When I left him, he was grumbling about who was the person to come up with the saying, “Happy wife, happy life.” At the moment, making grandma happy by cleaning was not making his life happy.

Sighing, I shook my thoughts from my mind and reached into my bag again, pulling out a cute, red sundress that I had gotten on my last trip to the mall with Ella. I hadn’t worn it yet, but I was excited to get the chance too. Red had always been my favorite color. Not only was it just a nice color in general, but also I felt like it made me look sexy, and mysterious. It probably didn’t, but a girl could dream. Standing, I went to hang the dress up in my closet, along with the other dresses that I had already hung up. This unpacking thing was rapidly becoming tedious.

With a groan, I leaned my back against the foot-board of my bed that faced the closet. Maybe I could convince Ella to help me finish up? Just as I was about to stand, my eye caught a little corner of a piece of paper that was poking out from behind the dresser. I furrowed my brows at the sight of it, wondering what it could be. The rest of the room had been completely empty when I arrived, so I was curious to see what this was. It was probably nothing, but either way my interest was piqued.

Pushing myself away from the bed, I walked toward the dresser, crouching down next to it as I gripped the corner of the paper and pulled it from its hiding place. I unfolded it, seeing the back first. There was one sentence scrawled across the back. It was short, and sweet.

Keep us in your memories.

That was all that it said. There was no name signed under it, or even a date. Just that one sentence. Now I was really curious. Flipping the paper over, my jaw dropped almost instantly. It was a picture of my mom in the hospital, holding one bundle of white in each arm, with a man standing next to her. I could see now why there was no name or date listed on the back. The date was obvious. The picture had to have been taken on August 8th, the day that my mom gave birth to the twins. That was the first and last time that she had seen them. I assumed that the man in the picture was the guy who had adopted them, and probably the owner of the handwriting on the back as well.

I stood hurriedly, and took the stairs down from my room to go find Ella. Luckily, she was sitting in her room listening to music. I entered without knocking, earning a glare. I didn’t care though. I knew that she would want to see this.

Moving toward where she was sprawled across her bed, I trusted the photograph out to her. She took it curiously, staring at the front in silent before flipping it over to read the back.

“Do you recognize him?” she asked me, eyebrows furrowed.

I shook my head no. “He’s got to be the guy who adopted the babies. Why else would he be in the picture?”

Ella shrugged in response, staring at the front of the photo again. I stood in silence for a moment as she just sat, holding the picture and frowning down at it. Then, with a smile curving her thin lips upward, she met my eyes. “If we found him, we would probably find the babies too.”

I bit my lip as realization crashed over me. “We could finally meet them.”






The music blasting from the speakers in the living room was so loud that it felt like the house was pulsing to the beat. There were giant speakers set up against the walls, and each piece of furniture, with the exception of a few couches, had been moved out of the living room to make space for a makeshift dance floor. From my position on the loveseat in the corner I could see a group of drunk girls gyrating and grinding against each other to a completely different beat. Each girl was dressed as a cat, and I almost groaned audibly at their costume choice. There were so many damn cat outfits that I’d lost count. Is originality frowned upon on Halloween too, of all days?

Next to me, Carter laughed as one of the girls stumbled in her leopard-print heels and almost toppled over before she was caught by one of her more sober kitty-friends.

“Why aren’t you out there?” Carter asked, leaning toward me and yelling over the music so he could be heard.

I shrugged. Normally I was the type of girl who spent the night dancing in the middle of the crowd until my thighs burned, buttonight was different. I just wasn’t in the mood to dance, or to be social at all. I hadn’t even wanted to come to the party. If it weren’t for Shane and Carter, I would probably be at home right now squandering away the night watching old Disney Halloween movies and avoiding my homework assignments until the last minute. “I can’t find Shane,” I answered. It wasn’t the exact reason, but it was more or less true. About an hour into the party, Shane had disappeared. I told myself the only reason I was wondering where he’d gone was because he was the reason I was here, but everyone knew that wasn’t true.

Carter smirked at me. Shane and I had been dating, for lack of a better word, for nearly three months now and yet he still teased me about it every chance he got. I never teased him about how whipped he was when it came to my sister. The least he could do was extend that same courtesy to me.

“Aw, do you miss him?” he questioned, still smirking. The fact that his face was painted as the Joker only added to my annoyance. It was as if his smirk was extra defined.

I rolled my eyes dramatically.

“Hey, I’m only messing with you,” he said loudly, placing a hand on my shoulder. He offered me a small smile when I made eye contact. “If you find the alcohol, I can promise you you’ll find Shane.”

“Come with me?” I had to lean into his ear as I asked. I could barely hear my own voice.

He nodded in response and we both got to our feet. As soon as our butts left the couch, the wolf and Little Red Riding Hood swooped in to take our seats, then proceeded to make out. Her grandmother would be so disappointed.

Carter led the way out of the room and down the hall toward the kitchen. I’d only been in this house one other time for a party at the beginning of the year, and was surprised I remembered my way around. As we entered the room, we wove in and out of people who were standing around, guzzling substances from their red plastic cups. Some people had really gotten into the Halloween spirit and went all out for their costumes, while others had taken the easy route by sticking animal ears on their heads and calling it a night. If I had originally planned on coming to the party then my costume would’ve been way better than it was. Instead, I was wearing the same costume I wore last year to Brianna’s Halloween party—Marilyn Monroe.

I scanned the room as Carter and I made our way through the growing throng of our peers. Shane wasn’t anywhere in sight. I was rapidly becoming annoyed. How rude is it to force someone to come to a party with you, and then just ditch them? Very.

I followed closely behind Carter as he exited the kitchen through a sliding glass door and headed out onto the deck. The hot day had turned into a warm, breezy night. The sky was dark, but light came from tiki torches and the many candle-lit, carved pumpkins that surrounded the backyard. Almost instantly after I stepped out onto the porch, Shane walked up to me with a big smile on his handsome face.

“Ella!” he yelled, throwing his arms around me and pulling me in for a bone-crushing hug. The strong smell of alcohol hit my nose as he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. “I missed you,” he mumbled against my skin, sending tingles down my spine when he kissed my neck. The way my body reacted to him only served to annoy me further. I was mad at him for making me come out tonight, and then leaving me on the couch for nearly an hour while he drank. He did not deserve my affection right now.

I pushed him back by his shoulders, keeping him at arm’s length as I said, “If you missed me then you would’ve come inside and gotten me. Have you been out here the whole time?”

He nodded hard, causing his blond hair to fall into his eyes. Then, catching me off guard, he placed his hands on my cheeks and guided my face to his. He kissed me hard for a moment before I pulled away. If it was possible, he tasted worse than he smelled. Carter laughed as I scrunched my nose in disgust.

“What are you doing?” I groaned, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I ignored the hurt in his eyes as he pouted.

“I just wanted to kiss you,” he answered, running a hand through his hair and glancing to the side.

I sighed, pulling him away from the door, down the steps into the yard, and over to a lawn chair. Carter followed us and stood with his arms crossed over his chest, just watching us in amusement. “You smell terrible,” I said, trying not to stand downwind of him. “How much did you drink?”

Shane shrugged as he dropped down into the chair. My gaze trailed from his face to his chest, which was on full display in his costume. He was one of the people who had taken the easy route out for a costume, and bought a cheap boy scout’s vest from the costume store earlier today. He paired it with some khaki shorts, and was ready for a night out. The vest was open and showed off his tan abs and muscular arms. I wasn’t the only one who was noticing either. Other girls were milling around the yard, obviously checking him out, and it was kind of pissing me off.

Shane pulled me down onto the chair with him, hugging me tightly to his chest. His muscular arms flexed as they circled my waist, and he leaned down to rest his chin on my shoulder. He sighed deeply. “You smell so good,” he commented.

Carter rolled his eyes. “I’m gonna go see if I can find him a bottle of water or something. He’s gotta sober up before he gets home or his mom will have an aneurysm.”

“Okay, hurry back. We should leave soon. I’m tired.” As if my body was trying to prove my words, a yawn escaped my parted lips. Behind me, Shane hugged me tighter. I shifted positions uncomfortably, trying not to gag at how horrible he smelled.

“Got it,” Carter replied, turning to head back into the house where I could see people dancing in the kitchen through the plate glass door.

More people were beginning to come outside, probably because of how crowded it was inside. It was hot in there, and there was hardly any space to move around. The only downside to being out here was that the music was only a dull thud. You could hear the beat, but it was hard to tell what song was playing. At least outside I could actually hear myself think.

I turned my head slightly so I could see Shane’s face as his head rested on my shoulder. When I moved, he opened his eyes and his gaze met mine. Then he shifted his eyes and looked around in front of us. Returning his gaze to mine, he sat up as he said, “He’s gone!”

He looked so cute and happy that I couldn’t help but smile at him. “Carter?”

Shane nodded in response. “I was waiting for him to leave.”

“Why is that?”

He smirked. “So I could do this,” he answered, turning me slightly as he leaned in to kiss me again. I pulled away before he could.

I placed my hands on his chest and held him back as he tried to lean in again. “Damn boy, you need to calm down. Your hormones are on a whole ’nother level right now.”

“It’s the outfit.” He raised an eyebrow at me as he pulled at the material of my white dress. “I always had a thing for Marilyn Monroe.” He winked, and even in his drunken stupor he managed to look so sexy that I almost swooned. How that was possible, I had no clue.

“Well, Marilyn is taking a vow of abstinence.”

Shane groaned. His mood changed so quickly. He went from flirtatious to looking like someone just ran over his puppy.

I laughed lightly as he pouted. “We really need to get you home.”

Shane instantly took the bait and his smirk returned full force. “You wanna take me home?”

“Yes, but not in the way you’re implying,” I answered, rolling my eyes at how cheesy his suggestion was. Then I glanced up and looked toward the door, hoping to see Carter coming out, but he wasn’t. “Where is Carter? He said he’d be right back.”

Shane waved my question off. “Who needs Carter? All he does lately is talk about Lena. He’s boring.”

“That’s not boring, that’s adorable.”

Shane scowled.

Sighing, I tried to push myself up, but Shane tightened his arms around me so I couldn’t stand. “Shane, I’m going to find Carter. Just wait here for me to get back. Do not move.”

Pouting, he let me go. Then he crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair, frowning.

“Seriously, don’t go anywhere.” I stared at him until he said he wouldn’t move, and then I headed back toward the house.

As soon as I entered through the back door the sound of the music filled my ears again. Everything was loud inside. People were yelling over the music, laughing, and singing. I had no idea how I was supposed to find Carter if he wasn’t in the kitchen. After I looked around the room and saw that he wasn’t there, I continued to push my way through the crowd. I hardly recognized anyone from school other than people who hung out with Carter and Shane. When I was almost out of the kitchen, a tall girl dressed as a pirate came hurtling around the corner and ran straight into me, spilling the cups of beer she had in each hand all over the front of my dress and down my legs. I groaned loudly, shaking the beer from my hands, and then holding the front of my dress away from my body as she apologized and ran off.

Now I’m going to smell like beer, I thought with a sigh. Holding my now wet dress away from my body, I walked down the main hall, scanning the throng of people for Carter. As I neared the bathroom door, it opened, and out walked Carter with a satisfied expression on his face. I almost wanted to hit him.

When he spotted me, he laughed, but it was covered by the music.

I marched toward him, taking him by the arm and pulling him to the kitchen, where he grabbed one of the many bottles of water that sat amongst the nearly empty bottles of liquor. Then we headed back outside, into the night.

“You look horrible,” Carter commented, gesturing to my beer stains.

I frowned in response. “Thanks, that’s what every girl wants to hear,” I said, the sarcasm heavy in my voice. “Let’s just get this water to Shane, so we can get out of here.”

Carter nodded, and we both turned our attention away from each other and to where I left Shane. I was happy to see he was still sitting there. I took the four patio steps down to the yard, and froze as I watched some girl stumble toward Shane. It was like one of those scenes in a movie where the main character knows in her gut that something bad is about to happen, but is powerless to stop it.

The girl was dressed scantily as a damn black cat, with her dark hair curled and two little cat ears sticking out of her hair at the top. When she got to Shane she plopped down into his lap, tossed her arms around his neck, and kissed him with everything she had in her. My heart clenched at the sight, and I felt anger bubble up inside of me. My head swam for the two seconds that she kissed him until Shane pushed her away. I felt like my blood was boiling, I was so mad.

Shane stood up, placing the girl on her feet and holding his hands up in a surrendering motion. I watched as his lips moved, and then the girl crossed her arms and stormed off. As soon as she turned away from him, Shane turned slightly and his gaze met mine. He looked apologetic, and it seemed as if that one action had sobered him up quick.

I didn’t know what to think. Why the hell did she feel comfortable enough to just come over and start kissing him? Was I missing something?

I didn’t wait to find out though, because as soon as Shane took a step toward me, obviously coming to explain, I turned away and headed back into the house. It was time to go.

I should’ve stayed home.



Taylor Henderson is a psychology major at the University of Mary Washington who was born and raised in Northern Virginia. She has been an adamant reader and writer since she was young, and has always found solace in the worlds and characters that other authors have brought to life in their works. Taylor plans to continue writing, and hopes to expand to different genres in the future.


Amazon Central: http://www.amazon.com/Taylor-Henderson/e/B00T58JDU6/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AuthorTaylorHenderson
Website: www.taylormhenderson.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/TayMHenderson
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/author/show/9885214.Taylor_Henderson
Instagram: www.instagram.com/TayMHenderson



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Deadly Hallows: http://amzn.com/B01BI3ZQA6

Bad Publicity: http://amzn.com/B00VUCLQWI


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~Release Boost~ ** For the Clan ** by Archer Kay Leah

For the Clan - Release Boost

FtC COVERFor the Clan by Archer Kay Leah

Release Date: May 25, 2016

Publisher: Less Than Three Press

Genre: Science Fiction Romance

Canada, 2165 AD. The Water Wars and a decimated economy have taken their toll. Anyone who doesn’t live in a military-patrolled metropolis lives in a clan. But being in a clan doesn’t mean safety.

And for a Ven like Roan Lee, it doesn’t matter where he lives. Safety is a luxury. So is freedom.

Roan is desperate to escape the governtary’s exploitation and torture. He is nothing to them but 54σK1, an artifact born from a genetic mishap. When the chance to escape arises, he makes a run for it—and encounters the lover from his past, twisting his future into a second chance he never expected.

As leaders of Clan Teach, Jace Ama and his wife, Cayra Diega, have enough difficulty keeping their people safe. When Roan is thrown to their feet as a prisoner, their marriage becomes an additional challenge. Jace still loves Roan, but where does that place Cayra?

PublisherAmazon Amazon InternationalBarnes & NobleKoboSmashwords All Romance Ebooks

FtC Teaser 3


The light jumped and twirled, spinning until wisps formed the body of a large bird. Graceful ribbons of orange and yellow light laced together, taking the shape of wings and a trailing crown of feathers almost as vivid as the long red and gold tail.

Black eyes and a beak faced them before the bird took flight. It soared across the breeze and flew around the trees. Ethereal and shining, the bird plummeted through the leaves, shaking branches all the way down. Small birds squawked and fled their nests, disappearing into the dark.

The bird swooped low towards Jace’s knees, knocking him back. It circled Jace, the delicate feathers of light sweeping across his cheeks, casting him in a soft red glow. Jace’s gaze glimmered with awe as the bird shot towards the sky and winked out of existence. Small particles of light sprinkled the forest like pixie dust.

In the raining red and yellow light, Jace pulled Roan close by the collar and kissed him. There was nothing gentle in it, only raging passion.

Roan pulled Jace back by the waist and leaned against a tree, their ragged breaths deafening him. Maybe one day they’d have more. Maybe one day…

Leaves crunched. Whispers caught on the breeze. The air wafted, carrying the odour of sweat and chemical fumes.

Roan pushed Jace back. The hair on Roan’s neck stood on end.

A dark figure launched towards them from the darkness. An unmarked metal canister hit the ground at Roan’s feet.

Smoke burst forth, engulfing Roan’s body.

“Hands behind your head,” voices yelled, followed by clicks. “Hands up behind your head! Get on your knees!”

“Roan?” Jace called, grappling Roan’s arms in the thick smoke. “What’s going on?”

Roan hacked and gagged, swatting the smoke away. He couldn’t see Jace—he couldn’t even see his own feet through his irritated eyes.

“Roan!” Jace’s fingernails dug into Roan’s wrist as his grip slipped down Roan’s forearms. “Don’t let them take me!”

Jace’s hands ripped away from Roan’s arm.

“Get on your knees,” voices commanded again. A sharp object rammed Roan’s knee, bashing his kneecap.

Yelping, Roan fell. Through the dissipating smoke, soldiers in black uniforms and masks rushed at him, their assault rifles aimed at his head and heart. Military. The governtary. No!

He struggled to stand. Lunging forward, he struck at the blurred faces.

A rifle slammed down on his wrists before the butt of the gun smashed his jaw.

“Down on the ground, Ven,” a soldier demanded, threatening to hit Roan again.

“Roan!” Jace screamed from behind them.

On instinct, Roan stared past the soldiers to the faint light from a headlamp. Even with burning retinas, he could see Jace in the hold of Kai and Vera, two sentries from Clan Teach. Moham’s guards and friends. Kai’s tall, broad body seized Jace by the waist while Vera’s lithe form fought Jace’s arms. They hauled Jace back, navigating towards the camp settlement.

“Jace.” Roan stepped towards him. Gun muzzles jabbed him back.

Jace fought back, kicking Kai’s shins and hitting Vera’s face. “Let me go! I’m not the one they’re attacking, you idiots. Go save him!” He raked Kai’s arms and punched Vera’s chest.

Kai smacked Jace in the neck, stunning Jace.

“Last time, lab elf. Hands. Head. Now!” The soldier in front of Roan jammed the gun to Roan’s groin.

Groaning, Roan collapsed in surrender. Soldiers jerked his arms as they clamped cold metal cuffs over his injured wrists. They yanked him up and pushed him in the opposite direction of the settlement, his hands hanging limp in front of him.

“Don’t let them take you,” Jace hollered. “Don’t leave me.”

Roan spun on his heel. In the distance, barely visible in the light from Kai’s helmet, Kai and Vera dragged Jace, hitting him as he continued to struggle. Jace wrenched one arm free, reaching for Roan with an open palm.

A strangled cry escaped Roan’s throat. He reached towards Jace, clawing air.

Then darkness separated them completely.

FtC Teaser 1

About the Author:

Archer Kay Leah was raised in Canada, growing up in a port town at a time when it was starting to become more diverse, both visibly and vocally. Combined with the variety of interests found in Archer’s family and the never-ending need to be creative, this diversity inspired a love for toying with characters and their relationships, exploring new experiences and difficult situations.

Archer most enjoys writing speculative fiction and is engaged in a very particular love affair with fantasy, especially when it is dark and emotionally charged. When not reading and writing for work or play, Archer is a geek with too many hobbies and keeps busy with other creative endeavors, a music addiction, and whatever else comes along. Archer lives in London, Ontario with a same-sex partner and their cat.

Website Facebook TwitterGoodreadsAuthor Page at Amazon

FtC Teaser 4

~*~ Cover Reveal ~ Educating Emma by Kat Austen! ~*~

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Coming June 12th



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Emma’s had it bad for Professor Faraday all semester. Despite her best efforts, Luke Faraday seems immune to the brilliant blonde who sits enthralled in his lecture hall every day.

When Emma decides to confront her enigmatic professor and confess her feelings, Luke has a confession of his own to make. Will his confession send her running? Or will it send her running straight into his arms?


Either way, Emma’s about to get more of an education than she bargained for.

***This is a Dark Fantasies Novella, fantasy being the key word. Get lost in the story, hold off jumping to conclusions, and brace yourself for the sweet surprise waiting at the end.***






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Kat Austen is the secret pen name of a New York Times and USATODAY bestselling author. Kat writes short and steamy reads that leave hearts (and other parts) satisfied.


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~Cover Reveal~ No Pants Required! by Kim Karr!

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No Pants Required by Kim Karr

Release Date: July 11th

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Cover Design: Hang Le

No Pants Required AMAZON


I, Makayla Alexander, am on a mission to reinvent myself. So when a super hot guy boards the plane and flashes his rock hard abs, I pay attention. When he sits next to me and offers me his nuts, I can’t resist. But when I choke on them and he tells me I need to work on my gag reflex, I realize I might be in over my head.

Before I know it we’re in the lavatory and attempting to join the Mile High Club. Let me just say this…anyone who tells you it’s easy to get it on at 37,000 feet isn’t telling you the truth. After the flight attendant busts us for getting frisky in the air, the only thing that can ease my total and complete mortification is the simple fact that I am never going to see him again.

Hours later, I can’t help but wonder if fate will ever allow me to become a new version of myself.

Because Fate, she’s a fickle bitch.

Case in point…my seatmate is my new next-door neighbor.

Even with the whole fate thing we have going on, we are so not meant to be together. He’s all cool and sexy in that make love not war kind of way. Guys like him are dangerous. With that bring-you-to-your-knees body, that handsome-as-hell face, and that dirty, dirty mouth, I guarantee one glance from him wets every girl’s bikini bottoms.

And then there’s me…the quirky girl looking to find herself in California. All I want to do is learn to let loose. Say words like peace and groovy. Bury my toes in the sand. Who knows, maybe even have sex on the beach.

Unable to get him out of my head, I entertain the thought of being more than just friends. I know the idea is absurd. And yet, I go with it. You see Camden Waters gets me. Really gets me. Like no other guy has before.

On this 7-mile stretch of paradise, I decide to keep things simple and just have fun…that is until fate decides to screw with me, again.

Can two people hell-bent on finding themselves realize the search should have ended the day they met? Find out in No Pants Required—a sexy, funny, romantic stand-alone, that will have you hurrying to grab your bathing suit and rushing to the beach to check out every lifeguard on duty.

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About the Author:

kim karr bio

Reader * Writer * Coffeelover * Romantic

Kim is a daydreamer. So much so that if daydreaming could be a hobby it would be her favorite. It’s how her stories are born and how they take root. An imagination that runs wild is something to be thankful for, and she is very thankful. 🙂

She grew up in New York and now lives in Florida with her husband and four kids. She’s always had a love for reading books and writing. Being an English major in college, she wanted to teach at the college level but that was not to be. She went on to receive an MBA and became a project manager until quitting to raise her family. Kim currently works part-time with her husband and with the rest of her time embraces one of her biggest passions–writing.

Kim wears a lot of hats! Writer, book-lover, wife, soccer-mom, taxi driver, and the all around go-to person of her family. However, she always finds time to read.

She likes to believe in soul mates, kindred spirits, true friends, and Happily-Ever-Afters. She loves to drink champagne, listen to music, and hopes to always stay young at heart.

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