Book Review –> *~Slow Dancing~* by Stylo Fantome



Slow Dancing


by Stylo Fantome









A rising pop star who can’t let go of her emotional baggage, and a cocky dance partner who doesn’t know what monogamy is. 
She’s inhibited. 
He’s free-spirited. 
She doesn’t want a relationship. 
He doesn’t believe in them. 
She can’t believe that anyone would love her. 
He can’t seem to stop himself from loving her. 
When their differences collide and sparks start to fly, he’s sure it’s the start of something amazing. 
And she’s sure it’s the end of her career. 
Who will be right? 

























in The United States  







Fiction, Romance, Contemporary  



Lucy V. Morgan 
Christopher Pike 
Alex Garland 
CJ Roberts 





Crazy woman from a remote location in Alaska (where the need for a creative mind is a necessity!), I have been writing since ... forever? Yeah, that sounds about right. I have been told that I remind people of Lucille Ball - I also see shades of Jennifer Saunders, and Denis Leary. So basically, I laugh a lot, I'm clumsy a lot, and I say the F-word A LOT. 
I like dogs more than I like most people, and I don't trust anyone who doesn't drink. No, I do not live in an igloo, and no, the sun does not set for six months out of the year, there's your Alaska lesson for the day. I have mermaid hair - both a curse and a blessing - and most of the time I talk so fast, even I can't understand me. 
Yeah. I think that about sums me up.

Slow Dancing was such a beautiful simplistic slow roll right into a tight loving relationship with barley any drama involved.  I love these two characters as the fell hard and fast into lust and then SLOW DANCED their way into a full blown love affair.





Wasn’t expecting such a different writing style STYLO FANTOME is known for yet at the same time had the sorta dirty talking Hero that usually steals the show.  This author provided this and more because you will not forget the Heroine in this real life feelings sorta vibe. 


“Good,” he hissed. “Fucking bad girl, doing all those naughty things before you even knew me. What the fuck were you thinking?” 
~Woods Donahue”


The Heroine in this tale is a bit more reserved, a bit more guarded yet when this pair dances their chemistry is instantaneous, hot, sensual, messy and dirty.  She grows a backbone, finds herself, and does not ever doubt her choices bad or good again.


‘Why does he always make such direct eye contact? I feel like he’s looking at me naked, or staring into my soul.’  ~Logan Cassidy






Finally in closing I would recommend this beautiful contemporary romance because the author puts a highlight on sterotypes, sexuality and how we all put labels on people.




























Book Review ~The Coolest Way~ Nicholas Tanek

The Coolest Way to Kill Yourself

by:  Nicholas Tanek



Okay. So no one actually kills themselves in this book.

The Coolest Way to Kill Yourself pulls you into the early 90’s New York City rave scene, in all its chaotic, psychedelic glory. The narrator grabs you by your wrist and drags you behind two teenage lovers from New Jersey as they tumble through a whirlwind of reckless hedonism that eventually spirals into a dark, devastating world of drug addiction and heartbreak.

As a teenager, Lynn cried, “No one is ever going to write something for me.” Nearly two decades later, in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Nicholas did just that. The gesture came too late for our unlikely heroine, but his heart was in the right place. A broken heart… but a true love. Reunited after years apart, Lynn and Nicholas embraced their love and sexuality, and embraced each other, despite troubled pasts, despite illness, despite all of their imperfections and mistakes. They shared the kind of honest and shameless connection that few have had the honor of knowing, and most would never understand.

“We’re not hurting anyone. We’re just living life without caring what anyone thinks about us.”

“It’s the coolest way to kill ourselves,” Lynn said.

So turn the page, and pull the trigger.






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Nicholas Tanek is an American ghostwriter from New Brunswick, New Jersey. He graduated from Rutgers University with a Bachelors in English. He has been a ghostwriter for over 15 years.

My name is Nicholas Tanek and I wrote The Coolest Way as a tribute to the love of my life who passed away 2 years ago at the age of 37. This book is the most important thing that I have done in my life. This true story tells a love story that spans two decades. We dealt with depression, drug addiction, abuse, homelessness, prostitution, and many other devastating issues. Although it was just a summer romance that faded away, we came back years together. We saved each other. Love and honesty saved us. It was not religion. It was not psychotherapy. Love saved us. I promise you that this is a very unique and personal book. It is a true story that is filled with hard drugs, kinky sex, and an endless amount of music references. Please read with an open mind and an open heart. It’s the coolest way…



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5 – Roses – Unique Writing – Open-Honest-Gritty-Raw

How do you even express yourself for a book such as this, I’m not sure.  I’m completely at a loss for words here just as much as I’m at a loss as to how to mentally repair myself.  This Author really knows how to reach way down deep into your soul and rip everything out.  I honestly feel destroyed, damaged, wrecked, and torn asunder, however at the same time I do feel more complete, fulfilled, or maybe just healed enough to move on with my own life and brush the struggles from my past aside.  No matter what the Title to the book is people, his words hold a true meaning for real life and true love.


5 – Hearts – True Love – Soul Mates

The Author tells this story of his own real life circumstances in a very true, gritty and raw way, it truly is a work of art and unique to his own style of writing.  He tells us about two people who are destined to be soul mates for I believe this is what they were, a true romance and a forever kind of love.  They start out very young yet share many experiences and go through a lot of emotional turmoil together.  This is his story, written for his love, Lynn.  This is his tribute to her as she passed and left him to mourn and struggle to overcome his grief. 


“Like a suicidal person on a cliff,  you just jump.  Love is a feeling that is worth dying for.” 

“Romance and danger are intertwined.  The danger makes the romance sexier.”

“Jealousy is a dangerous mistress who will always leave you bruised.”

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5 – Tears – Emotional Turmoil

The Author introduces us to the most honest and strongest woman I think I’ve ever read about, she was emotional but tough, independent, strong and her strength helps her overcome things no woman should ever have to go through.  She has been through hell and back, struggling through addiction, mental and physical abuse, battered, bruised, homeless and later prostitution.   She was an inspiration, she was a survivor.

Lynn wanted more from Nicholas, she wanted the whole American Dream, a husband, a family, the white picket fence and all.  Nicholas wanted to live first, he was still very young and sex, drugs and rock and roll were what this era was all about, he wanted to experience it all.  He did.  She did.  They did.  This story is the consequences from those actions and their experiences.

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The most unusual and uniquely original things about this author’s style of writing is his honest and open ability to share these experiences without regard to anyone’s censor.  Meaning who cares what other people think, words do hurt, but he is honest and true to himself and us and willing to share these struggles and life’s experiences with the world.  I absolutely admire him for this and always will.  He is my inspiration and my muse.

Nicholas goes on to tell about experimenting with kink and opens up about his fascination with Femdom, which he later explains in detail.  He tells about his experiences with sex, drugs, raves, and I truly think that music somehow played a big part in his coping mechanism to overcome his addiction to many things.

I could probably talk for hours about this beautiful one of a kind masterpiece but I shall have to stop now, I’ve said to much already.  This book has changed my way of life and my way of thinking, I definitely feel as if everyone should have a copy of this and experience a sense of freedom.  Open yourself up people.  Pick this copy up, find love, happiness, heal, move on and have joy.

Mr. Tanek I cannot do justice with this review, all I can say is Thank You so much for changing my way of thinking and helping ME heal.  You should not put a number of stars on perfection!

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happy reading









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