~~ Release Blast ~~ PURSUIT by Fiona Davenport!


Mafia Ties


Fiona Davenport

Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance

*This is part 4 in a series, but

these books standalone from books 1-3*



Available on Kindle Unlimited



Brandon DeLuca’s relentless

pursuit of Carly O’Reilly after she flees New York isn’t really due to the

orders of his mafia boss cousin. The feisty redhead is his, and he’s done trying

to pretend otherwise. Now that he’s admitted the truth to himself, he just

needs to convince her to put her life in his hands—and her body in his bed.

Please note: Brandon &

Carly’s romance is a three-part story, but there are no relationship cliffhangers.



(Review here, if reviewing)


I sat in my car and stared at the quiet, unassuming house

across the little residential street. It was dark, the inhabitants out for the

night or already in bed. I happened to know it was the latter. After a couple

of months of searching, I’d finally caught up to my target and I wasn’t about

to let her get away again.

Still, I continued to sit there and watch, taking no action.

I told myself I was simply being cautious; I didn’t need any more trouble. But,

Nic had asked me to keep her safe. I was obligated. It was my job. It was

complete and utter bullshit, that’s what it was.

The phone I was holding up to my ear began ringing, and I

waited until the recipient picked up.

“Brandon?” Nic answered, his question implied.

“I found her.”

“Great. I’ll send—”

“No!” I snapped, cutting him off and shocking the fuck out

of myself. “She’s mine.”



**All books available on Kindle Unlimited**

Fiona’s Steamy Starts (only 99 CENTS for a limited time!)

Penalty Clause, Baby, You’re Mine, &


Amazon US → http://amzn.to/29alet8

Amazon UK → http://amzn.to/2912sQi

Risqué Contracts Series Box Set

Penalty Clause, Contingency Plan & Fraternization Rule


Yeah, Baby Series Box Set

Baby, You’re Mine, Baby Steps & Baby, Don’t Go


Death Do We Part


Sex & Vows Novel


US → http://amzn.to/29amiNY


UK → http://amzn.to/1TNGUZe


Ties Books 1-3



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UK → http://amzn.to/1U2yDRe




Hello! My name is Fiona

Davenport and I’m a smutoholic. I’ve been reading raunchy romance novels

since… well, forever and a day ago it seems. And now I get to write sexy

stories and share them with others who are like me and enjoy their books on the

steamier side. Fiona Davenport is my super-secret alias, which is kind of

awesome since I’ve always wanted one.





Cover Reveal *DOM Wars* Final Round ~Lucian Bane – Aden Lowe~


DOM Wars!

Final Round!

by Lucian Bane




Release Date August 13th!

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When Gladiator Inc, an adult toy company expands their market to familiarize the ‘vanilla’ world with the elements of BDSM, the result is a pay-per-view reality show with video feeds streamed live to subscribers. The show, Dom Wars, is a competition to determine the Top Dom that will become the spokesperson for the company.
The contestants all wear cameras to film every moment and angle of the competition, while they complete various challenges to determine who has ultimately Dominated various elements of themselves.
The hero and heroine of the series, Lucian Bane and Tara Reese, have barely made it into the Sixth and Final Round of Dom Wars. This week-long Survival Round will determine the Top Dom, once and for all.
The contestants are taken to an uninhabited island, where they will have to cross formidable jungle terrain. First Dom to reach the boat anchored on the other side of the island wins the million dollars and the title.
Seems simple. Except Lucian’s old adversary, the Sadist Jase Duff from Round One, has been tasked with making sure none of the five teams make it to the boat.
If he is successful, he wins the prize, only it’s not money that Jase Duff cares about, its revenge on Lucian and Tara. And his sadistic need to inflict pain makes it game on!


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I’m an Ineffable Dom. That just means, do yourself a favor and please don’t try to describe me or fit me into your categories. Complicated Dom, Intricate Dom, Confounding Dom work too.

I love very much the soft side of a woman. Not just her body, but everything on the inside– her passion, her intelligence, her convictions, her delicate tenderness. But the one fetish that might be a part of what makes me an Ineffable Dom is that I love her strengths. I love a woman that isn’t afraid to look me in the eyes and say ‘make me’. But I need it to be real, not staged, not pretended. She has to be a fighter at her core the way I’m a Dom at my core. I want an equal that is willing to come hard against me in every sense of the word, exhaust me. I want her so deep inside me that we’re lost in each other. I want her to never doubt that I will always use my power to adore her, protect her, liberate her. I don’t want a woman I can break, or overpower, or exercise my dominance over, I want a woman I can come undone with. I want a woman I can jump off the cliff with into that abyss of holy hell, this is beyond me, beyond my control. The greatest fear of most people is losing themselves or unraveling their roots. My greatest fear is not finding a woman I can take that plunge with. Yes, it’s a huge risk. That’s the yin and the yang of it. And while the risk titillates my Dom, it’s the ineffable fruit of that risk that moves him. He knows he has to have it. He knows he’s supposed to have. And he’s prepared to dominate for it.

I think there are many men like myself, and I hope my writing will be a map for them. A map for women as well, to let them know Doms like this exist. I’d like to call them out of the woodwork. Help men join with their natural inner Doms in a way that I think is one of the most fulfilling experiences there are. I want to challenge them all to go for the complete power exchange with a woman, but don’t be a coward and not give the same that they demand or expect. And consider that when you give one hundred percent of yourself to a person, there is no more of you to give away. You now belong to them the way they belong to you.

Inner Doms are dogs that need a master to train them. I once bowed to my Dom’s reckless and tireless desires, but when I gained control, he bowed to my will. The transformation made me into what I am today. What many would call an Ineffable Dom. But its equal term in the Vanilla world, in my opinion, is a real man!





As an English major in college, I took a summer job as a proofreader for a small town newspaper, and got hooked on editing. I also worked my way through college training horses. After graduation, I landed a job for a small independent editing firm, and stayed there for 15 yrs. An old friend, Lucian, approached me to edit his special fiction project, and I got hooked. After an insane few months editing his Dom Wars series for him, Lucian convinced me I should try my hand at writing as well. I’m his co-author for Round Six, the final Dom Wars installment, and we will co-write the White Knight Academy series as well. And in Sept 2014, I’ll release my debut solo work, an Erotic Western with BDSM elements, “Big Game: A Hunted Love Novella”. In addition, I have a military series in the planning stages.



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Release Event – Worth the Chance – Author Vi Keeland





 A New Adult/Adult Contemporary Romance

 NYT Bestselling Author Vi Keeland

Worth the Chance Cover

Publication Date: February 17, 2014


*New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, Vi Keeland, brings you the steamy story of Vince & Liv*



Meet Liv Michaels

It may have been seven years, but I’d know him anywhere.  Sure, he’s grown, filled out in all the right places, but his captivating blue eyes and cocky grin are exactly the way I remember.  Even though I’d much rather forget.

Liv Michaels is almost there.  She’s smart, determined and weeks away from landing the job she’s dreamed about for years.  Time healed old wounds, even her broken heart from the devastation of being crushed by her first love.

Worth the Chance excerpt 2

Meet Vince Stone

Women love a fighter, especially a good one.  Lucky for me, I’m damn good.  But there’s one woman that isn’t interested.  Not again, anyway.

Vince ‘The Invincible’ Stone is every woman’s fantasy…strong, sexy, confident and completely in control.  Growing up surrounded by chaos, he’s learned never to get too attached. Love will drag you down.  He adores women, treats them well, puts their own needs before his own…for the night anyway.  With the biggest fight of his life coming up, his focus should be on training.

When fate brings Vince & Liv back together again, there’s no denying the chemistry is still there.  But can Vince erase the old scars their past left behind? Or will Liv hurt him instead?

Worth the Chance excerpt AToMR sneak peek 1jpg (1)

Buy Links

Worth the Chance

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Worth-Chance-Vi-Keeland-ebook/dp/B00I2UKQOK

 B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/worth-the-chance-vi-keeland/1118634058
 Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/worth-the-chance/id813714461

Kobo:  http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/worth-the-chance

 Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/404030


Book Trailer

Worth the Chance Excerpt 1

About the Author

 Vi Keeland is a native New Yorker with three children that occupy most of her free time, which she complains about often, but wouldn’t change for the world. She is a bookworm and has been known to read her kindle at stop lights, while styling her hair, cleaning, walking, during sporting events, and frequently while pretending to work.  She is a boring attorney by day, and an exciting smut author by night!

Author Links

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

worth the chance by vi keeland

Giveaway Link

Wine glasses and charms

(8) Sets of “Bookchick glasses” and 5 custom wine charms, one of each of Vi Keeland’s book covers – International

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Book Review


Worth the Chance, was an interesting romance novel.  There were friendships, rivalry’s, romance along with a little mystery and thrills. The hero, Vince, is all male. He has strength and will power, both in  and out of the fighting cage. Growing up Vince basically looked after himself, and did what he could for his mother. A mother he loved and hated. The only male role model in Vince’s life is Nico. Nico owns a gym and is retired from MMA fighting when readers meet him in, Worth the Chance.  Vince does not always make the best decisions about his own life, but Nico is there to encourage and straighten him out when necessary.

Worth the Chance is the second novel in Keeland’s MMA Fighters Series.  Worth the Fight, Nico and Elle’s story, is the first book in the series.  Worth the Chance, can be read as a stand alone (I did).  However, I really recommend that you read them in order. For in book 1, the reader is introduced to a much younger Vince. In Worth the Fight, readers  can see the relationsip between Vince and Nico grow and evolve into what it is in, Worth the Chance.

The romance, well you will just have to read to find out the history between the hero and the heroine of this novel. The flashbacks at the beginning of the novel help readers to understand this said history. This history is important   to the romance and love aspect for the hero and heroine as the story progresses.

LOOK for, Worth Forgiving, the third and last novel in the series coming Summer 2014.


3.5 book review

3.5 Rosebuds of Writing Raves

Overall I liked the idea of the story. It just left me with a lot of questions. Like, if Liv and Vince lived in the same city why did it take them seven years to meet up again? Vince grew up with a mother with a drug habit. So when he hurt his arm previous from the start of the novel, why did he get hooked? Maybe it is easier said then done. My favorite character is Ally in the novel. She really livens up the conversations in the novel. Only I never understood how old she was,  if she had a job or not, and also why she did’t drive. Then at the end, Liv told her she could use her car until she returned to Chicago.  The flow of dates and times confused me throughout the novel. For instance, at one point Liv visits the gym to talk to Vince. Then later Nico says something to Vince in regards to the visitor he had. It had just happened that day, yet Nico refers to his wife talking about Liv all ‘last night’. When to me it seemed it was all that same day that Elle met Liv, and the Nico is asking Vince about it while he is working out/practicing on the punching bag. Also there are several spelling errors. Such as; door creeked instead of, door creaked. Otherwise, as mentioned above, I liked the story. The romance was sweet, and both the hero and heroine had situations that required important consideration.

2.5 rating

2.5 Teardrops.

The romance was so sweet and emotional in this story. A love that began in high school, yet never mentioned between the hero and heroine. Then seven years later they show up in the same place at the same time. One wants to just get away as stay away, so there is no chance of getting hurt again. While the other never wants to let the go ever again.  So while there was no ugly crying, there were some tears blurring my reading vision.


4.0 Romance Rave

The first page gives readers a glimpse into how Vince  goes through women. Which is much like how women like to buy shoes, a new pair as often as possible.  Until he sees someone from his past. Vince likes to be in control. Even when it comes to sex. Readers get a better understanding of this in the flashbacks. Yet, when he finally breaks the wall down from around Liv’s heart, He has to control himself  in order to make passion more meaningful to Liv. Though he does like to let go with her too. And she loves every bit of it. You will just have to read the novel to see just how much she likes it. Not to mention the thoughts the two had for each other when they were teenagers. HOT STUFF!!!

Book Review 2






Sneak Peek

Worth Forgiving, Jax and Lily’s Story

Coming July 2014

Book 3, MMA Fighters Series

Visit this Link

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