BLOG TOUR! ✩✩ One Last Fling ✩✩ by

One Last Fling

Leela Lou Dahlin


Event planner Daisy Maxwell has never been lucky at love,

but her family’s financial issues convince her to toss her hat in the ring to

be the Billionaire’s Bride. If all else fails, she figures she at least has a

shot at planning the winner’s wedding. She never expects to meet a man—the

wrong man—at the first event, a sexy chef who charms her and makes her believe

there’s love at first bite.


Chef Ryder Blake has a problem…well, two. First, he’s met

the most amazing woman at the best but worst time of his life. Daisy is a

morsel of sexy and sweet all rolled into one dynamite package he’d love to

sample. But his second issue is a little more complicated… He can’t tell

Daisy—or anyone—he’s the secret billionaire seeking a bride before his

thirtieth birthday or he’ll lose his inheritance. Daisy is definitely bride

material, but he’s not sure he’ll survive the pressure, especially after she

proposes one last fling before she plans to say “I do.”

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About The Author

At the age of 9 Leela

Lou Dahlin started reading the romance novels her grandmother left around the

house during her summer vacations. She learned early that she enjoyed the type

of story that could make you feel like you had fluttering butterflies in your

stomach and bring tears to your eyes. Leela tries to create the emotional and

endearing stories she adored as a child and continues to love to this day.

She resides in SW

Pennsylvania working as a RN Case Manager during the day and spinning her

sweetly sexy stories by night.

You can also find her

blogging over at Nice Girls Writing Naughty

Connect with Leela

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COVER REVEAL! *~* If The Shoe Fits *~* by Jody Lynn Daniels

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Cover Reveal

If The Shoe Fits


Jody Lynn Daniels



Isabella Daniels is on a mission, that starts by borrowing her stepsisters invitation to a museum fundraiser along with a killer pair of shoes. If she can convince the board members to use her bakery to cater all their desert needs, then maybe the bank will approve the loan she desperately need to enlarge and upgrade her shop. After being shot down for being too young she heads to the bar, and meets him.

Nicholas Powers is poised at the bar of another boring fundraiser, looking for someone interesting to spend the night with. He gazes upon a sea of fake breasts and women, getting frustrated at the lack of real women interested in more than his bottom line. Just when he’s about to down his double of scotch and leave for the evening he sees a beauty, in a classic little black dress and killer shoes. Target acquired.

Nicholas can’t get enough of the caring beauty from the limo; but when another woman comes along that promises to help his struggling career, fill his bank accounts and introduce him to all her influential friends he has to rethink what’s more important. His career, or Isabella?

Isabella is over the moon for Nicholas, her mind and body both want him to be hers. Then a curve ball is thrown her way when her stepsister lays claim to Nicholas, and Abby rarely ever loses a man. Now she has to decide what is more important to her, her dysfunctional family or her future with the man she craves…..

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Teaser 1

About the Author

Hello readers.

My name is Jody Lynn Daniels and i love romance, happy endings, laughter and spice. That’s why i write it. I’ve been reading ever since my mother taught me how, and reading romance ever since i stole one of her Harlequins and was hooked. I’ve been writing since junior high when i penned my first soap opera titled “As the stomach Churns” it was horrible, but fun!

I’m the dovorce mother of a wonderfully goofy twelve year old son who makes me laugh every day.

“If the Shoe Fits” is based on the classic tale of Cinderella, and is the first book in my Fairy tale series. It looks to be a fun series, because I’m having a blast writing it.



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