COVER REVEAL! ~*~ The Portal ~*~ by Isabel Brann!

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Title: The Portal
Author: Isabel Brann 
Genre: Paranormal Romance (Stand alone recommended for readers 18+)
Release Date: May 3, 2016.
Cover Design: Soxsational Cover Art 
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Isabel Brann:



He’d always been her nemesis… 

Quiet, solemn Amelia Mason never expected or wanted to become the Portal. But with her older brother’s death, she no longer has an option. Branded by Fate, the Portal is the human bridge between this world and the next. Her duty? To help lingering spirits cross to the afterlife. As if that wasn’t bad enough, her new job comes with a Guardian: Kyle Grant, the one man she can’t stand and the one who will stop at nothing to protect her. 
… or so she’d always thought. 
In order to defeat an evil spirit hunting the flatlands of Venezuela, Kyle and Amelia are going to have to put their dislike aside and work together as Portal and Guardian should. That is, if they can control the sizzling sexual tension between them. 
Will they surrender to desire before it’s too late? Or will the madness of a long-dead man tear them apart forever? 
Can the heat of passion burn brighter than the fear of loss? 
Length: 30K words. 
Includes an excerpt from the first book in the Therian series
happy reading

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