Release Blast! **BABY, DON’T GO** by Fiona Davenport

Baby, Don’t Go

Yeah, Baby Series #3

Fiona Davenport

Genre: Contemporary

Erotic Romance



Available on Kindle




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Guy Rule #3: No sex in the friend zone.


Jack Halston’s life changed when his best friend married his

sister. He started flying solo more often, especially once his niece and nephew

were born. It made him reexamine his life and consider the possibility of

settling down. But finding the right woman isn’t easy—unless she’s the one who

filled the gap your best friend left behind.


Ellison Reed enjoyed her long-standing work flirtation with Jack.

When their friendship deepened over time, she did her best to ignore the

chemistry which sizzled whenever he was near… until the night Jack’s possessive

tendencies exploded and he claimed the woman who was his. Before someone else



An accidental pregnancy between two surgeons who should have known

better. A job offer in another state Ellison would be crazy to turn down. Too

bad the path from friends to lovers is so complicated.






Direct Link to Trailer:




I wasn’t about to

waste an opportunity like this. Shoving away all thoughts of what might happen

to our friendship if this went sideways, I dropped my keys and phone back down

and reveled in the feel of his lips over mine.

“Fuck it,” he groaned

into my mouth. “I’m done playing the nice guy, trying to ignore how hard you

make me because you’re my friend and co-worker. How you’ve made it fucking

impossible for me to even look at another woman without comparing her to you.”

Wait? Had his recent

dry spell been because of me? Because

I could definitely lay the blame for mine at his feet. It was hard to find a

guy who measured up to my dreams of Jack. I’d finally talked myself into

accepting this date with a guy who’d asked me about a dozen times whenever I

bumped into him at the gym. The only reason I’d said yes was because I figured

at some point I’d have to hear about Jack’s dates with another woman.

“I’m not letting you

walk out this door knowing you’ll be with some douchebag this weekend. He

doesn’t get to touch what’s mine,” he growled, making my pussy quiver at the

possessiveness in his tone.

“And what exactly do

you consider to be yours?” Yeah, that was my raspy voice taunting him with my

question when we both knew what he meant. I couldn’t help myself. He’d started

this, and I wanted to make sure he damn well finished it.

He crowded me closer

to the door, his hard chest pressed against mine while his big hands held my

hips. My heart raced as his lips traced a path along my cheek and up to my ear.

His breath was hot as he answered my question, his fingers tightening on me.

“You’re mine.”

“Oh, yeah?” I

breathed. “Prove it, honey.”


“I fucking love it

when you call me honey.” His voice was dark and dangerous, with none of the teasing

quality that was always there between us. “And I can’t fucking wait to taste




**All books available

on Kindle Unlimited**


Risqué Contracts


Penalty Clause

Contingency Plan

Fraternization Rule


Yea, Baby Series

Baby, You’re Mine


Baby Steps






Hello! My name is Fiona

Davenport and I’m a smutoholic. I’ve been reading raunchy romance novels

since… well, forever and a day ago it seems. And now I get to write sexy

stories and share them with others who are like me and enjoy their books on the

steamier side. Fiona Davenport is my super-secret alias, which is kind of

awesome since I’ve always wanted one.




happy reading

Book Review! ~*Dirty Ugly Toy*~ by K. Webster

Dirty Ugly Toy

by: K. Webster!


TITLE: Dirty Ugly Toy
AUTHOR: K. Webster
GENRE: Contemporary Romance, Dark Romance 


~*~ Dirty Ugly Toy is a novel that blurs the lines of right and wrong, deals with abuse, contains dubious consent, and adult subject matter. If you are sensitive to violent sexual situations, the book may not be suitable for you. Some parts of this book are not easy to read and are not intended for everyone. However, those that keep an open mind and stick with it will not be disappointed. ~*~



Her time is over.
Things are looking up.

She’s dirty and ugly.
He’s wicked but handsome.

Six months to toy with her.
Six months of vacation and a ton of money.

I’ll hurt her beyond repair.
I’ve been through much worse.

She’s difficult to control and doesn’t obey.
I’m done submitting to anyone or anything in this life.

I should hate her.
I should hate him.

The game has changed.
I will win.














Syrina’s ✩✩✩✩✩ Review! 10149322_816116118416008_1934648625_n[1]
Mind Benders/Thrilling Twists!

What a super trippy mind warp this brilliantly woven tale of a tortured hero reliving his horrible past even as he finds a tormented heroine trying to forget hers. Together they find forgetting, forgiving and moving on so much more easier in the arms of each other.


Spicy, Tortured Love, Heat factor!


I adored this Dark-ly intense romance with hints of mystery, passion and woe, thrills and chills, and some pretty extreme villains you cannot help but laugh in delight at their demise! I highly recommend it for any and all lovers of a semi dark romance without all the blood, guts and gore of violence or rape themes, instead pick it up and fall into lust with all things Braxton Kennedy!


Tormented Dark Heros and Heroines!

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The real eye opener is the first page when I read Braxton saying goodbye to his current “toy”, Swan. Now this could mean several things: Six feet under or Moving on, either in this life or the next. My heart rate escaladed rapidly in the next chapter as Braxton finds, buys and cleans up his new “toy”, Bunny a.k.a. Jessica. Imagine my surprise when I am totally addicted to Braxton’s darky kinks and savage acts of sweetness, he oozes complete sex appeal and I am hooked and charmed right out of my poor wool bronco socks.

Poor Bunny, my blood boils for the atrocious abuse this woman has went through, however I cannot help but crow in pride and delight when she continues to push forward, her hardship has only made her stronger and her strength makes her a survivor.




happy reading

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