Title: Instead of You

Author: Anie Michaels

Genre: New Adult/Contemporary Romance

Release Date: May 24, 2016 

Two brothers.

Cory was my best friend, the boy who I’d resolved to spend my entire life with. I’d grown to love him, gotten used to the idea of our life together, even if it wasn’t the all-encompassing, soul-crushing, heart-shattering romance it appeared to be.

Hayes was the boy who seemed entirely out of reach. Untouchable. He stole my first kiss, a secret I’d hidden away in the recesses of my heart, protecting the memory and hoping it would be enough to last me a lifetime. When he became my history teacher, it was impossible to hide from him any longer.

There was no way to anticipate just how important both Wallace brothers would become to me, how deeply they would change my life, or how the loss of one would propel me into the arms of the other.

“Well… Anie has done it again! She has taken me on an emotional rollercoaster ride that gave me all of the feels! Ever single one of them.” ~Sandra (Goodreads Review)

“I truly, with out a doubt recommend Instead of You to anyone and everyone. Hands down this is a five star read, and if I could give it anymore stars, I WOULD!!” ~Iowa Gal (Amazon Review)

“Love, love, loved this book… it had forbidden and unexpected love, it had heartbreak, angst galore, and joy.” ~Alison (Goodreads Review)

Anie Michaels is the author of The Never series, The Private Serials, and a stand alone novel, The Space Between Us. She started writing her first novel in June 2013. When she is not working, reading, writing, or spending time with her family, you can find her spending time with her close friends. Anie lives in Portland, Oregon, with her family.


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