Blog Tour! ~ Until June by Aurora Rose Reynolds! ~

until june book tour

until june now available

The Boom is real!

Meet June & Evan in Until June !

Now available!

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until june


June Mayson and Evan Barrister’s whirlwind courtship resulted in a secret marriage right before he left for boot camp. Evan knows deep in his gut that June is too good for him, but after getting a taste of the beautiful life they can have together, he’s unwilling to let her go. June promises to wait for him, knowing neither time or distance will ever change her feelings for Evan—that is until she’s served with divorce papers while he’s overseas and she’s forced to let him go.

Her marriage and divorce a well-kept secret, the last person June expects to run into when she moves back to her hometown is Evan. Angry over the past, she does everything within her power to ignore the pull she feels whenever he is near. But how can she ignore the pain she sees every time their eyes meet? How can she fight the need to soothe him even if she knows she’s liable to get hurt once again?

Is it possible for June and Evan to find their way back to each other again? Or will they be stopped by an outside force before they ever have a shot?

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Excerpt 1

Seeing Evan again is taking a toll on me, I can’t sleep and my mind is in a constant state of turmoil. I wake up in the middle of the night from dreams of us. The memories of him, of us are too much. Some memories have the ability to heal. The ability to light up the dark because the beauty of the memory is so bright you’re still able to bask in it.

But the memories of us are killing me slowly. They remind me that for one moment I had everything while reminding me it’s gone. It’s the realization that we’re done that’s killing me. The realization that I can see him but can’t touch him that he exist but he’s not mine is agonizing.

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Excerpt 2

He’s beautiful his body is a work of art I want to touch him, I want to know what It feels like to have his bearded face against my delicate skin, I want to know if the rough edges I now see are smooth to the touch.

“June.” My name in his course tone gets my attention but when our eyes meet its not anger he’s looking at me with, its raw, powerful, hungry possessiveness.

Book Trailer


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Aurora Rose Reynolds is a navy brat who’s husband served in the United States Navy. She has lived all over the country but now resides in New York City with her Husband and pet fish. She’s married to an alpha male that loves her as much as the men in her books love their women. He gives her over the top inspiration everyday. In her free time she reads, writes and enjoys going to the movies with her husband and cookie. She also enjoys taking mini weekend vacations to nowhere, or spends time at home with friends and family. Last but not least she appreciates everyday and admires it’s beauty.







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BLOG TOUR! ** Breaking Down Sydney by Brittney Coon! **

SHADES OF SYDNEY(A Sydney West Novel #1)


Sydney West enjoys sampling summer boys, but this year, one refuses to be a one-night stand… 


Twenty-one-year-old Sydney doesn’t believe in relationships. Her parents’ toxic divorce has taught her love is nothing but a sinister fairytale. So every summer she parties, hooks up, abandons her lover before dawn, and repeats. 


That is until she meets gorgeous local surfer Jason King at the beach… 


When Jason fails to flirt—or even give her a second glance—she decides something must be wrong with him, and it’s safer to stay away. But when Sydney and Jason’s best friends hook up and become Malibu’s hottest couple, they are forced to spend more time together than either of them cares for. 


Armed with a sharp tongue, Sydney works to keep Jason at bay… 


In a moment of weakness, Sydney lets her guard down and confides in Jason, realizing he’s more than just a hot guy—he’s also a friend. And when Sydney’s need for a summer boy results in her falling into bed with Jason, despite her better judgment, she runs away from him by morning. 


The problem is, he won’t accept being another one-night stand, and will do anything to prove… 


Love really does exist.

BREAKING DOWN SYDNEY (A Sydney West Novel #2)


Sydney West’s new relationship might have survived Malibu, but her transformation from party girl to girlfriend isn’t complete… 


Sydney is back in Arizona, and with the fall semester at her doorstep, doubts about her so-called summer love start to plague her. A good girl can only stay good for so long. Jason King changed her and made her wonder if love was real. But now, far from his charm, and with the party scene on campus in full swing, the magic is fading… 


Jason isn’t willing to let distance drive a wedge between them… 


A surprise reunion and a romantic cabin getaway is enough to reignite their summertime spark, but Sydney isn’t convinced this whole monogamous, meeting-your-parents thing Jason wants is possible. No boy has ever met her mother. Then, when a sudden family tragedy strikes, it sends her spiraling into her old habits of booze and boys. 


Sydney can only hide from her past for so long… 


In the fog of drowning her sorrows, Sydney realizes her former party lifestyle won’t make her happy. Her one-night stands ended with Jason. As much as she wants to believe in that far-fetched fairytale ending, she’s afraid if Jason finds out about all her summer boys, he will abandon her just like her father did. 


Jason refuses to settle for the superficial shell Sydney keeps between them, though, and is determined to… 


Break Down Sydney once and for all.




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Excerpt 1:


We went for a hike in the woods. Amelia and Hunter were pros, putting a few yards between them and Jason and me. I didn’t mind. Amelia was like a drill sergeant. There was no need for that when you were trying to enjoy nature’s beauty.

“Come here,” Jason whispered into the shell of my ear. Before I could answer, he was pulling me off the trail.

“You know the trail is here for a reason. If we get lost, it’s on you.”

His teeth tugged on my earlobe. He said, “Will you stop? We’re not going far.”

The wind blew lightly through the trees and birds were singing. Internal flames ate away at my body. I gave into Jason and let him take me to the unknown.

He stopped in front of a fat pine tree. I gave him a curious look as he circled its trunk and brushed his hand along its bark.

“Should I leave the two of you alone?” I joked.

Jason smirked at me before pulling out a pocket knife. I felt my face go from being curious to alarmed.


“Watch.” Jason dug the blade into the bark, carving into the tree.

I stood at his side as he chipped away. After a few minutes, I could make out a heart shape. He then put our initials into the center of the heart.

“There,” he said, standing back to admire his handiwork. “Now we’ll forever live here.”

Something inside me pulled me toward the tree. It was like I had to run my fingers down the new carving to make sure it was real.

The tree would forever bear our initials, through the test of time. I stared at the “JK + SW” within the heart.

“I can honestly say no boy has ever done this for me.”

Jason smiled, putting away his knife. “No? Good to know I’m ahead of the game.”



Excerpt 2:

Jason set a warm cup of coffee in front of me. I blinked a few times before cradling the cup against my chest. I sipped it, letting the hot liquid scorch my throat.

“Don’t drink it too fast. You’ll burn off all your taste buds,” Jason warned.

With the cup back on the table, I glared at him. What does he see in me? Why would anyone want to help someone like me? I’m no good, just need to be thrown away.

“Why are you here?” I asked more to myself than to Jason.

“Excuse me?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Why are you so nice to me all the time? I don’t deserve it. I—” Tears fell down my cheeks. Would I never stop crying after all this?

I am broken.

Jason cupped my chin with his hand, forcing me to look at him. “I love you, Sydney. I love the good in you. I love your flaws. I love every piece of you. The sooner you realize what love means the sooner you can stop feeling broken.”

How does he know I feel broken?

Excerpt 3:

The moon was high and full. It shined into the open window and cast Jason in a heavenly light. His collarbones were perfection to kiss. Jason caught my chin with his fingertips and forced me to lift my head. His lips molded to mine, taking me in. I couldn’t help but giggle. I still couldn’t believe Jason was in my bed.

“So, how long do I get the pleasure of having you?” I purred.

Jason sat up against the pillows, moving his arm from around my shoulders to move his body a few inches higher. I felt lighter without his touch. To get comfortable again, I folded my arms across his chest and rested my chin on them.

“I’m here for a while…”

I tipped my head to the side. “What’s a while? I thought you came for a visit because the holidays seemed so far away.”

He rubbed his jaw, locking eyes with me. “It hurt too much to be without you so…I transferred.”


He couldn’t be serious. My heart did a flip, trying to get out of my ribcage.

“Mmm-hmm, I attend this university now, so you can’t get rid of me anytime soon.” He gave me the biggest grin I’d ever seen.

I backed away from him, sitting on the foot of the bed. “Are you telling me the truth?” It was too berserk to be real. Why would he move to Arizona for me? He loved me that much?

“When you left that day in California, I felt lost. After a while, I realized a piece of me was missing. I think you were right about the distance. It would’ve hurt us. Talking with you via texting and such was fun, but it only reminded me that I couldn’t touch you whenever I wanted. So I requested a transfer and didn’t want to tell you in case something didn’t work out. Plus I wanted to surprise you,” he said, reaching across the bed to toy with a strand of my long hair.

Brittney Coon graduated Magna Cum Laude from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science in Communication and a minor in Film and Media Production. Brittney has always been creative and turned to writing to share the stories playing through her head. In her spare time she reads, attends rock concerts, watches Friends, and hangs out with her cats. She currently lives in Arizona.



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He’s mysterious and alluring,

Dominant and powerful.

He keeps her grounded,

And lets her fly.


After a date ends in disaster, Zara Bandini is drawn into a conspiracy of dark lies and hidden motives. Bidding farewell to blissful ignorance, she must betray those who trust her to prevent evil from murdering innocent civilians.

Raven guides her, shields her, and seduces her…

Now Zara has to protect her heart while saving the world.


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It was after ten PM by the time she got to Purdy’s on that particular Friday night. Zara was exhausted and needed sleep, but she would never flout tradition and miss an appointment with herself. In the warm interior of Purdy’s, she enjoyed the solid mahogany of the stocked bar and the gold pinstripe of the wallpaper that glowed under muted lighting.

Catering to an affluent clientele, Purdy’s held single malts and champagne to fulfill the expensive tastes of those who frequented it. It was a far cry from her father’s smoke filled kitchen where a layer of grease covered everything.

After seating herself on a brown leather stool, the bartender brought over her usual drink. She sipped the cool liquid and exhaled.

“That’s some glass of wine.”

Turning to her left, Zara saw a striking blond man come up beside her. One of the reasons she loved this bar was its patrons. In the center of the city’s business district, this classy joint was overflowing with rich, influential people and the wannabes who listed “networking” as a hobby on their resumes.

Designer suits and smiling faces charmed each other until hands were shaken and deals made. This was a place for the elite to gather and praise each other for being so filthy rich and successful. Given where she’d come from, there were often times she fazed out of the moment, edges became blurred, until everything seemed dream-like.

For her, the meaning of success had morphed through the years and frivolous adventure was long forgotten. The most effective way she could make a positive difference in the world was through careful use of her position as Premium Personnel Coordinator to Grant McCormack, CEO of Cormack Industries.

The clean-shaven man beside her flashed a row of straight white teeth that gleamed almost as much as his shirt under his tailored grey blazer that matched his slacks. All of the men she interacted with on a daily basis were assured and this guy’s arrogance was proven when he took up occupancy on the stool next to hers and leaned in close.

“Can I get you another glass?” he asked.

“I just started this one,” she said, taking another sip of wine while not allowing herself to smile. When dealing with intelligent men who usually enjoyed a puzzle, she’d learned it was best not to give too much away about her own mood. “Did I ask you to sit down?”

“No need,” he said, undeterred, his smirk remained in situ. “It’s a public bar, anyone can sit anywhere.”

Leaving him guessing, she didn’t give any physical hint of her interest. “And you chose the stool right next to mine?” she asked. The establishment was busy, but there were a half a dozen free stools at the bar, so he didn’t have to choose the seat right next to hers. “Didn’t your mother teach you manners? It’s polite to be invited to join a person.”

His confidence remained in place and he twisted his body to face hers, trapping her crossed legs between him and the bar. The flirtation in his countenance matched his positioning and his gaze danced over her figure. “Women like a man to take charge.”

“Do they?” she asked, keeping her expression loose as she examined the bottles displayed behind the bar. Remaining aloof didn’t mean she didn’t notice how impeccable he was and how good his expensive cologne smelled. It wasn’t too overpowering and merged with the scent of the hair gel that kept his locks in check. But she had to portray herself as a challenge, to match his confidence with sass if she wanted to intrigue him.

“Yes,” he said. “Women want an alpha, a guy who is strong enough to look out for her.”

This conversation was going to happen whether she coveted it or not, so she rotated to accept him into her company. “To look out for her?” she asked, dragging her fingertips over the bulge of her glass to settle them on the rim. “Why is that?”



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Having known from a young age that writing was her passion Scarlett has spent large portions of her life dreaming up men, and women, and putting them together to see what they get up to.

“The characters write the story. I just get it down on paper for them.”

Finding her solace in books, reading and writing, have been her eternal companion through all the highs and lows in her life.

Now is time to let the characters flourish and to live forever as she shares them with you.

Good luck on your adventures.


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SPOTLIGHT! Presenting…. Author-TARA DAWN in ~ TAINT!~


Hold onto those tears lover … #TAINT is available. And thank goodness for that! Not gonna lie, Snap ends on a pivotal note, with everyone snapping at the end, although I was kind enough to give you a sneak peek into Taint lol. It picks up right where Snap left off, jerking you straight up that emotional roller-coaster with rocket boosters. I don’t give you any breaks. My characters don’t get breaks to breathe, why the hell should you? Are you ready to be tainted?
Genre: Dark – Psychological Thriller 
Releases:  OUT NOW!
Series:  The SNAP Trilogy #2
I don’t know who I am anymore, or what I’m becoming. Time doesn’t exist in this godforsaken Hell I call my life. Every time I find a semblance of hope, it’s bled away. Just like I’m bleeding away. The longer he believes he’s won, the more I die inside. I may be nothing but a shell by the time this is over.
I failed her. I couldn’t keep her safe. Now I may lose her completely. We’re running against a clock controlled by a madman and we don’t know when he plans to end his game. Every minute that passes without finding him makes the thought of killing him that much sweeter.
I didn’t think it would be so easy. Pretty soon, my Snap will be on the streets and I’ll be living the dream. That is, after I take Cash out. With him gone, I’ll control not only the drug, but Hazel as well. If she listens, she will have a hell of a life. Right. Beside. Me.


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Tara Dawn is a stay-at-home wife and mother. When she’s not busy homeschooling her 3 boys, she’s busy writing, reading, working on her book blog, making jewelry, hula hooping, or any of the other random things she may be doing. She wears many hats and is a lover life. The self-proclaimed “potato whore” has a zest for learning and believes that everyone should learn something new every day.

Tara is a lover of poetry and all genres of books. The genres she writes also differ. Her writing changes depending on how she feels at the moment, so expect lots of different things from her in the future.

Tara loves making new friends and is addicted to Facebook. Stop by her page to shoot the shit or send her a friend request. Join her reader group for sneak peaks, arcs, crazy fun, awesome people, and giveaways smile emoticon Tara loves her Snap Addicts.

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SNAP (The Snap Trilogy #1)


*This book contains scenes of drug use, rape, and brutality. It is intended for readers over 18. Reader discretion is advised.*


I never would’ve guessed my life would lead me where I am today, wedged between a stalker and a stranger in the midst of a drug war that I’m unsure of how I entered. One wants to hurt me, the other seems to want to heal me, but there’s more that he’s after and I don’t know if I can give him what he seeks.

I was sent to find answers when no one else could find them. What I found was a woman in need and a psycho dealer working toward his own agenda. I wasn’t to get involved, but her eyes call to me and I know they hold the information I seek.

She doesn’t think I’m good enough for her. But I’ll show her. Hazel belongs to me and has since that night that I claimed her. I’ll get back into her good graces. I have to. She has something of mine and I’m not stopping until I have it all.





Escape. Succumb. Savor.

Captivated by the thought of experiencing something taboo, Summer Wilson contemplates taking the trip of a life time. Determined to live her own life for once, she decides that Sojourn could help her reinvent herself. But is going to a sex resort really the answer to her problems, or will it only cause more confusion?

Once Summer arrives, she learns that she must be willing to do anything to make her fantasies come true. But she finds it hard to push her previous lovers from her mind.

Things aren’t always what they seem, and people aren’t always who you believe them to be. Will Summer be able to accept reality when the blindfold comes off, or will it finish breaking her completely?



MEND (The SNAP Trilogy #3)



Fate. Karma. Time.

They are all faces of the same entity. Each is beautiful in its own way, in the right light. Normally each works of its own accord. Escape them, and you discover what lies beneath their masks. It surpasses sinister and lies within base carnality. The three twist together to create something terrifying enough to stop you in your tracks and beg for mercy. A clemency they’ll not grant you.

I should have accepted and taken what they offered me to begin with. Death was kind to me, yet I refused it. I turned my back on them, and they unleashed a personal vendetta against me. Anyone close to me felt the repercussions; some of them payed the ultimate price. All because my will was stronger than theirs. They’ve proven to me that when things are meant to be, to not change them. Otherwise, someone will pay the consequences to right the world, and they won’t hesitate to prove that to you.

Discrimination doesn’t exist in their eyes. The headstones before me validate that. 



happy reading

Sales Blitz! $$ * I, Porn Star * $$ by Zara Cox


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Only 99c for a limited time


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My name is Quinn Blackwood:


By day, I’m a billionaire CEO. Rich. Entitled.By night, I’m the exclusive porn star only known as Q.Why? Because I love women. If I believed in an almighty being, I’d thank him for creating them. They’re by far his most perfect creation… especially when I’m fucking one of them.


Oh, did I mention I’m an asshole? Fuck yeah. According to my shrink, I’m one twisted motherfucker. And that’s just the way I like it. Until she walks into my life…


My name is Elyse Gilbert, nicknamed ‘Lucky’ because according to my dad, I’m the unluckiest person alive, and I’ll die the same way I came into the world: naked, screaming, and dirt poor.


Yeah, my life is a twisted, seething mess. But that life changed the day I met HIM.He made me forget the cameras.He made me forget I was doing this for the money.He made me forget my shame.He made me forget everything. I was consumed by him. Only him.


But now my past has caught up with me.



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I turn to the last screen.

Her eyes are downcast. Her lashes are long enough to make me wonder if I have another fake on my hands. I sigh, then take in the rest of her face. No makeup, or barely any if she made the effort. Her lips are plump, lightly glossed. I use the controls on the remote to zoom in. There’s a tiny mole on the left side of her face, right above her upper lip. Not fake.

I zoom out, examine the rest of her that I can see. Her grey T-shirt is worn to the point of threadbare, and her collarbones are a little too pronounced. Malnourishment wouldn’t be a crowd-pleaser, but that problem can be easily taken care of.

Beneath the T-shirt, her chest rises and falls in steady breathing, although the pulse hammering at her throat gives her away. I zoom in on the pulse. The skin overlaying it is smooth, almost silky, with the faintest wisps of caramel blonde hair feathering it.

Something about her draws me forward to the edge of my seat. I like her pretended composure. Most people fidget under the glare of a camera.

My gaze flicks to her skeleton bio. “Lucky.”

Slowly, she raises her head. Her eyelids flick up. Her eyes are a cross between green and hazel with a natural dark rim that pronounces its vividness. I can’t pinpoint it exactly, but something about that look in her eye sparks my interest.

Hell, if I had a heart, I’d swear it just missed a beat.

“Is that your real name?”

She shrugs. “It might as well be,” she murmurs.

Fuck, I have another liar on my hands. “Cryptic may be sexy if you’re auditioning to be the next Bond Girl. It’s not going to work here. Tell me your real name. Or leave.”

“No.” Her voice is a sexy husk, enough to distract me for a second before her answer sinks in.


“With respect, you’re tucked away behind a camera issuing orders. I get that you hold the cards in this little shindig. But I’m not going to show you all of mine right from the start. My name, for the purposes of this interview, is Lucky. It may not officially be on my birth certificate, but I’ve responded to it since I was fifteen years old. That’s all you need to know.”

Well…fuck. I note with detached surprise that I’m almost within a whisker of cracking a smile.

I rub my gloved finger over my mouth, torn between letting her get away with mouthing off to me this way, and sending her packing.

Sure, she intrigues me. And whatever relevant truth I need would be dug out before she signs on the dotted line, should it come to that. But for this to work, she needs to obey my commands, no questions asked.

“Stand up. Move away from the camera until you reach the wall.”

She rises without question, restoring a little goodwill in her favor. Moving the chair out of her way, she backs up slowly. The hem of her loose T-shirt rests on top of faded jeans. Even before she’s fully exposed to the camera, I catch my first glimpse of the hourglass figure wrapped in the petite frame. She’s a fifties pinup girl dressed in cheap clothes. Her breasts are full but not quite double Ds, her thighs and calves shapely enough to stop traffic, with a naturally golden skin tone denoting a possible mid-west upbringing.

She’s knock-out potential—subject to several nourishing meals. But I’ve seen enough and done enough in this twisted life of mine to know her body isn’t what would draw attention. It’s the look in her eyes. The secrets and shadows she is trying hard to batten down. They’re almost eating her alive.

I don’t really give a shit what those secrets are. But the chance to fuck them…to fuck with them, expose them to my cameras, sparks a sinister flame inside me.

“Turn around, let your hair down.”

Her fingers twitch at her sides for a second before she faces the wall. One hand reaches up and pulls the band securing the loose knot on top of her head.

Caramel and gold tresses cascade down her back. Thick enough to swallow my hands, her wavy hair reaches past her waist, the tapered ends brushing the top of her perfectly rounded ass.

I watch her for a few minutes, then speak into the mic distorting my voice. “Do you have any distinguishing birth marks I should know about, Lucky?”

The question sinks in. Her back goes rigid for a second before she forces herself to relax. “Yes.”


“At the top of my thigh,” she responds.

“Show me,” I reply, although I don’t really need to see it. My carefully selected stylists can disguise any unseemly marks.

Slowly, she turns around. I expect her gaze to drop or a touch of embarrassment to show, but she stares straight into the camera as her fingers tackle the buttons of her jeans. The zipper comes down and she shimmies the denim over her hips. Her white cotton panties are plain and the last word in unsexy. All the same, my eyes are drawn to the snug material framing her pussy lips.

I also see the hint of bush pressed behind the cotton.

I shift in my seat, but don’t reach for the hardness springing to life behind my fly. Hand jobs are a waste of my time. I either fuck or I don’t. It’s that simple.

She lowers the jeans to knee-level and twists her right leg outward. The round red disk just on the inside of her thigh is distinctive enough to need covering up. I make a mental note.

“Thank you, Lucky. You may put your clothes back on.”

A hint of surprise crosses her face, but she quickly adjusts her clothing. When she’s done, her hands return to her sides.

“It’s time for your screen test. Sweep your hair to one side and come closer. Place your hands flat on the desk, bend forward, but don’t sit down.”

She follows my instructions to the letter. I adjust the camera so it’s angled up to capture her face.

“Are you ready?”

She gives a small nod.

“You’ve just walked into a bar. You don’t know me. But you see me, the guy in the corner, nursing a bourbon. And I see you. All of you. Every fantasy you’ve ever had. I want to give it to you. You’ve found me, Lucky, the guy who wants to fuck you more than he wants his next breath. Do you see me?”

Her nostrils quiver slightly. “Yes.”

“Good. Look into the camera. Don’t blink. Show me what I want to see. Convince me that you’re worth fucking. Convince me you’re worth dying for.”

Her lids lower, her face contemplative, but she doesn’t blink or lose focus. Slowly, her expression drifts from disinterested to captivated. Her lids lift and she’s a green-eyed siren. Her attention is rapt, unwavering. Her bruised-rose lips part, but she doesn’t swirl her tongue over her lips as I expect. She just…breathes. In. Out.

She swallows, a slow movement that draws attention to her neck, then lower to her breasts. Mesmerized against my will, I watch her nipples harden against the thin material of her top. Her fingers gradually curl into the hard wood and every inhalation and exhalation becomes a silent demand.


In. Fuck.

Out. Me.

I remain still, even though my fingers itch to twitch and my muscles burn with a restlessness I haven’t felt in a long time.

I watch her command the camera, her body rigid with lustful tension. Her eyes widen with the need to blink, but she doesn’t.

She stays still, hands curl into fists and she just breathes sex. Her eyes water and a tear slips down one cheek. The sight of it is curiously cathartic, a tiny climax.

I subside into my seat. “That was convincing enough. You may sit down, Lucky.”

She blinks rapidly before she sinks into the chair. A quick swipe and the tear never existed. Neither does the promise of the fuck of a lifetime that was on her face a moment ago.

Her acting skills are remarkable. For a second, I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I don’t want her to be too polished. I dismiss the notion and glance down at her notes.

“You list your address as a motel?”

The address in Queens is unfamiliar to me, but the motel chain is notorious for being exceptionally bad. I hide my distaste and wait for her answer.

“I arrived in town recently. I don’t have a permanent address yet.”

The secrets in her eyes, the threadbare clothes, the unkempt hair and unshaven pussy begin to tell their own story. She may be brave enough to sass me when she risks losing a job that promises a once in a lifetime payday, but she’s also desperate.

How desperate is the question.

“Are you currently working?”

She nods. “I work on and off for a catering service. But it’s nothing I can’t work around, if needed.”

“So you’ll be free to do this if I want you?”

The desperation escalates, then a hint of anger flashes through her eyes. “If? You mean I did all of this for nothing?”

I give a low laugh at her gumption. “You didn’t seriously think you’d waltz your way into a million dollars on a simple three-minute screen test, did you?”

The anger flees from her eyes, although her mouth tightens for a moment before she speaks. “So it’s true? It’s not a con? This job really pays a million dollars? For…sex?” she rasps.

“You think I’d admit it if it was a con?”

Her delicate jaw flexes for a second. “I guess not. So…assuming it’s not a con, how will this work, then?”

“If you pass the next few tests, and I decide you’re a good fit, you get the gig. You’ll receive one hundred thousand dollars with each performance.”

“So…ten performances…over how long a period?”

“Depending on how many takes are needed, anywhere between three weeks and a month. But I should warn you, it’s hard work, Lucky. If you think you’re just going to lie back and recite the Star Spangled Banner in your head, think again.”

Her fingers drum on the table, the first sign of nerves she’s exhibited. “I…I won’t be doing anything…skanky, will I?”

“Define skanky.”

“This is going to be straight up sex. No other…bodily stuff? Because that would a firm no for me.”

My mouth attempts another twitch. “No water works, waste matter or bestiality will be involved in the performances.”

Her fingers stop drumming. “Okay.” She waits a beat, stares straight into the camera. “So when will I know?”

I hear the barely disguised urgency and I rub my finger over my lip again. “Soon. I’ll be in touch within the week.” I’m not sure exactly why I want to toy with her. But I sense that having her on edge would add another layer of excitement I badly need.

When she opens her mouth, I interrupt. “Goodbye, Lucky.”

A passing thought about the origin of her name is crushed into oblivion. I press the remote to summon the bodyguard to escort her out, and I leave the room.

In my study a few minutes later, I bring up the screen on my desk and activate the encrypted service I need. I open the application and within minutes, the members of my exclusive gentlemen’s club are logging in.

My email is short and succinct.

The next Q Production is scheduled for release on 20 May 2015.

Limited to ten members.

Bidding starts in fifteen minutes.



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Zara Cox has been writing for almost twenty-five years but it wasn’t until seven years ago that she decided to share her love of writing sexy, gritty stories with anyone but her close family (the over 18s anyway!). The Indigo Lounge Series is Zara’s next step in her erotic romance writing journey and she’d love to hear your thoughts.


Thank you for reading her stories!     



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Release Day Blitz! ** The Neighbors ** by Saige


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One woman. Two men. They are roommates… and they want to fuck her.

She’s just been dumped, so of course doing something spontaneous is first on the list.

What’s more spontaneous than a threesome with the neighbors that crave her?

That’s right. Nothing.



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Saige writes really kinky erotica. Her stories ALWAYS have hot, dominant men included in plots that would probably never happen in real life. When she isn’t writing, she’s either reading or baking.



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COVER REVEAL! ** Dark Fae! ** by Lillian Carter!

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Skeleton Key Book Series

One Skeleton Key. Endless Adventures.

Tessa James has never been able to figure out the puzzle that is her life, until a mysterious key and a hidden closet lead the way to a realm beyond her imagination. The Fae are real. Magic exists. And Tess’s world has just drastically changed.

Nyx Steele, the leader of the Fae, is ruthless as he is beautiful, especially when it comes to keeping the humans out of his realm. Their role in slaying his people will never be forgotten, even if they stumble on him in the form of an alluring being like Tessa. No matter how strongly he’s drawn to her, Nyx must never forget what Tessa’s ancestors did to his.

Lost in a land filled with wonder and dangers, Tessa cannot resist her attraction to the enigmatic Nyx. The most breathtaking love she’s ever found may also bring her ultimate ruin and death.


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Lillian Cartier started writing when a persistent vampire entered her mind and refused to leave. Sharing the crazy idea with her closest friends and, with the encouragement from them, a story not only started to form but she has gone into collaboration with a friend turned author, Michelle Dare.

A wife, mom, and lover of books, that will be soon going on a vacation on a tropical island where she can finally get some much needed rest and relaxation with her family and friends.




** Cover Reveal for Man Candy ** by Melanie Harlow!


Man Candy by Melanie Harlow

Release Date: June 20, 2016

Genre: Contemporary Romance



He’s back.

Not just back in town, but living in the flat right beneath mine. And he looks good enough to eat, which is just one more reason to stay away from him.

But I can’t resist.

The sex is incredible (pretty sure we’ve shaken the house right off its foundation), but he can’t fool me—not this time. A degree in marketing and five years in advertising have taught me that “true love” is a fairy tale used to sell lipstick, diamonds, and perfume. It doesn’t exist.

He thinks I’m wrong, and he wants to prove it.

I think he’s crazy, so I dare him to try.

It might be the biggest mistake of my life.


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Pre-order available exclusively on iBooks.

About the Author:

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Melanie Harlow likes her martinis dry, her heels high, and her history with the naughty bits left in. When she’s not writing or reading, she gets her kicks from TV series like VEEP, Game of Thrones, House of Cards, and Homeland. She occasionally runs three miles, but only so she can have more gin and steak.

Melanie is the author of the HAPPY CRAZY LOVE series, the FRENCHED series, and the sexy historical SPEAK EASY duet, set in the 1920s. She lifts her glass to romance readers and writers from her home near Detroit, MI, where she lives with her husband, two daughters, and pet rabbit.

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COVER REVEAL! ~*~ Blowback ~*~ by Stephanie Summers


Blowback Jacket




Title: Blowback

Author: Stephanie Summers


Genre: Standalone Romantic Suspense

Release: June 16

Cover Artist: Kris Pittman at C&K Designs


Blowback EbookSynopsis:

“People say to appreciate the life you have because things can always be worse, but how can you do that when your life is the kind everyone else compares theirs to in order to make themselves feel better? I hoped and prayed so many times for as long as I can remember for things to be different, for my life to be different, but when it finally happened, and my life changed, I didn’t know if it was a blessing or a curse.”

Jet Flanagan grew up under the shadow of his father, a kingpin determined to bend Jet to his will by any means necessary. He’s been forced to distance himself from anyone he might care about to keep them safe and that includes high school sweetheart, Evie Adams. He did what he thought was right to protect her, but when she comes back into his life by chance almost a decade later and sets off a life-changing series of events, he’ll be forced to deal with the collision of the life he knows and the life he should’ve had.



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Stephanie Summers has written several books including The Willow Creek Vampires Series, The Bludworth Chronicles, and The Take Me Duet, with several more books in the works. She’s a wife, and a mom to two kids, two dogs, and two cats. When she isn’t busy running Casa de Summers, you can usually find her in her pajamas working on her next book.
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Presenting…. JD Lexx – Author in ✯MALEDICTION✯ !!


Rise of the Crimson Confessions


Genre: Erotic Romance, Romantic Suspense

Release Date: March, 20th

Author:  JD LEXX



Some devote a lifetime to the endless pursuit of love. Others spend even longer trying to outrun it. Between the shimmering lights of Paris and New Orleans’ commercialized sin, author J.D. Lexx embarks on his latest hunt. Once content to walk blindly in the light, these days he prowls a different world, one of shadow and sensuality where flesh yields to the probing hungers of fantasy. Driven by painful reminders of opportunity left unseized, he roams, tirelessly seeking the next in a growing collection of Crimson Confessions.

Yet these tales of conquest and seduction which have brought such notoriety are merely bait for a more transcendent prey. The one he truly stalks is infinitely more elusive, and lethal in her charms. To win her over, and write the happy ending to this unfinished story, an infamous collector of secrets must now lay his own bare for all to see. Chasing a trail of enticing exploits stretching from Sin City to Prague, every stop leads him back to the beginning…and one step closer to her.

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Determined to retake control, I feathered a caress over the sloping muscle of her abdomen while fighting to my last breath the urge to explore her body further. As I took one step back to unsteady her balance, she instantly countered, throwing her palms against the wall behind her and launching the both of us backward. On the far side of the hall, we slammed with a crash so violent that it dislodged a pair of antique mirrors from their mounts.

Moments later, I finished the job. As I shook off the impact of not one, but two bodies, she dropped to the ground, ripping my belt away and heaving it down the staircase. For a passing second, I humored the desire to leave her there on her knees, at the mercy of the beast she seemed determined to unleash. Any longer, however, and she risked getting herself into real trouble. With a grunt of reluctance, I lifted her to her feet and spun her hard against the wall. This time, both mirrors collapsed under the force of the blow, unleashing a deafening roar to each side as bronze frames hit the floor and rained shards of glass over ancient oak.

Looking to one side and then the other while helplessly bound by my grasp, she shook her head and spoke softly, “Fourteen years of bad luck. I hope I’m worth it.”

“You better be.”

I pressed her firmly to the paneling with an added shove for emphasis, and then raked slowly up her sides. Keeping her shoulders glued to the wall, her lower body began to buck as the random whimper escaped her lips. Eventually, every inch struggled to break free and lurch forward for my lips but I allowed nothing on her terms.

With a punishing tug of her hair, I held her still and licked a trail up the warm pulse of her neck. Near enough to taste her lips, I leaned in to stake my claim with that first deep kiss, mangling her blouse in desperation I could no longer control. With a starved tug of fabric, the top two buttons flew free to bounce across the floor, just as the resurrected power grid kindled a soft amber glow.

While my eyes adjusted, I caught a first glimpse of the crucifix revealed by my assault. I can’t tell you how long it kept me at bay as the receding darkness left me once again accountable for my craving. For the first time that evening, I looked into her eyes, squarely and honestly, and reaped all the shame that she had sown. In the rekindled lamp light, I saw only a young girl, and the trust I had so long refused to break.

“I have to get back,” I said, dropping my guilt-laden gaze to the floor.

To this day, those words stand among the most difficult I’ve ever uttered. I knew perfectly well the repercussions they would echo, if not for how long they would do so. No longer had I sacrificed my opportunity for her unwitting benefit. I had now formally rejected it. Fourteen years of bad luck, indeed…

As I turned to leave her trembling in the hallway, I feared the curse may have already taken hold. The moment I stepped again into solitude, that fear gave way to certainty. With a broken breath, I stepped to the bedside to take an icy hand in my own, realizing immediately that I’d returned just minutes too late. I collapsed back into my seat and buried a roar of resignation deep between my palms, grudgingly accepting the unpalatable truth that I had failed not one, but two vows that evening.








International attorney, award-winning journalist and last of a modest raconteur bloodline, J.D. Lexx has been a storyteller for most of his life and a student of humanity for even longer. Perhaps it’s no wonder that he takes such pleasure in the subtle tease of the written word, in kindling curiosity with every shared tale, then daring the imagination to continue on beyond The End.

A traveler by nature, Lexx spends most of his time between the frenzied streets of New York and the slower pace of New Orleans’ Vieux Carré. When not exploring the sensual psyche through his writing, he can usually be found honing his skills in the kitchen or working alongside charitable organizations to promote literacy and tolerance— two causes not only reflected in his work, but forever dear to his heart.  



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Two-Way Glass (A Crimson Confession Book 2) –

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Order of the Orchidarion (A Crimson Confession Book 3) –

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